Healthcare USA #1

Right, the price isn’t the issue anymore. How many drug tests and bad contracts does she have to submit to get it?


For that one? Pretty much nothing it’s schedule 4. Xyrem, which is essentially ghb and she takes to sleep, is only schedule 3 and doesn’t come with that bullshit either somehow

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Yeah that is kind of my point, which is I’ve never heard of narcoleptics being harassed with this. That would be pretty offensive, right? That’s not what I have but it’s a weird one (not apnea) and is well-documented. If I ask to switch and they still want me to piss quarterly and sign a draconian contract I’m gonna be on megatilt.

There’s different fed rules for schedule 2 drugs, which is why you’re getting harassed

I’m assuming you meant one circle inside another. The chiropractor circle is entirely inside the MLM circle. Plenty of MLM scammers that aren’t actual chiropractors.

/venn diagram nittery

So the going rate for medical debt is less than 0.5%? I have heard it going “pennies on the dollar”. I always assumed that implied something more than 1%.

Modafinil is great, first of all. Second, this may sound crazy at first, but it changed my life. Are you getting direct sunlight first thing in the morning for 10-15 minutes? Since I’ve started getting outside within 15 minutes of waking and getting some sun in my eyes, my sleep problems have drastically improved and my energy levels have skyrocketed.

It was so dramatic that I’ve invested in some indoor lights that mimic sunlight and provide vitamin D to get me through the winter in the Northeast.

I’m definitely not saying stop taking meds or anything like that, but it’s made such a difference to me I am suggesting it to anyone who seems to be having sleep/energy issues.

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Yes, thank you. I was trying to figure out how to word that and just gave up.

Working out in the mornings vs evenings also makes a huge difference. If you get a good workout in before 8AM it’s really hard to stay up past 10PM, whereas when I workout late my body thinks it needs to stay up for 4-5 more hours. Eating more calories earlier, bigger breakfast/lunch and smaller/earlier dinner has also helped. I try not to take any drugs if I can help it so those are the two best alternatives that have worked for me.

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Toledo probably bought debts that the collection agencies thought were particularly unlikely to be collected.

As I said before, I never asked to be on a C2 and my doctor didn’t originally prescribe it. I’ll gladly drop to a C4 and requested to do exactly that several times in the past, and my expectation is that should result in a complete resolution (and that’s the only outcome I’m willing to accept). Before we started stimulants, there’s a multi-year case history just at this clinic of test results, lengthy sleep diaries submitted by me, and other treatments / medications we tried including a $25,000/mo orphan drug. It would have to be the longest long con of all time with me faking months of odd and distinctive sleep diaries followed by a full month of actigraphy study data that matches it exactly.

The places they’re busting in the WSJ article appear to be online ADHD pill mills, like basically the Domino’s Pizza of 30-minutes-or-less meth delivery?

That seems very different from an established seen-in-clinic patient with a decade-long case file documenting a debilitating sleep disorder. I’m 100% above board on all of this and the whole process has been grueling. That’s what I mean when I say it’s offensive getting lumped in with all of the crackheads by being subjected to random drug testing and “contracts” that read like probation terms. I think you see a lot of crackheads, right?

I’ve been battling this for decades and have been through all of the CBT / entrainment technique coaching. Here’s a picture of my desk during winter from over ten years ago.

(You may deduct points for the Starbucks.)

Using a stimulant in the morning and melatonin in the evening doesn’t fix my underlying problem, but it masks it and allows me to sort of hold normal hours without crashing at weird times. A “normal” day for me before this was miserable and mostly involved me trying to stay awake until I could make it home from work or school to crash. It was so bad that I paid a big premium to live directly across the street from work at one point so I could steal an hour at lunch for a nap, sleep longer before going in, and reduce the amount of time it took to get home so I could crash sooner.

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Chiropractic is pure pseudoscience.

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Well, when you put it like that, it sounds like just a giant handout to collection agencies.

Yeah that part has me a bit concerned. Does medical debt even fuck up your credit rating?

Dang so some billionaire could buy 200 billion dollars of debt for one billion.

There was some recent change in the regulations on this. I don’t remember the details.

I also think that by the time it gets to a collection agency your credit is about as fucked as it’s going to get and paying it off at point where you are deemed extremely unlikely to pay is not going to move the needle much.

Do you know the name of the lights you use? Dealing with a pretty big vit d deficiency.

You’re taking pills and still deficient?