Healthcare USA #1


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I think one of the comments in that thread made a good point which is that people seeking dangerous snake oil treatments are unlikely to admit that dangerous snake oil treatments didnā€™t work or caused harm.

emails from doctors about bills are LITERALLY indistinguishable from phishing scams

email comes from ā€œ,ā€ has zero indication of what doctor or even practice itā€™s from, nothing about the patient.

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Just go back to the hospital with $10,000 in cash and tell them thatā€™s the only way youā€™ll pay.

I honestly donā€™t even check email anymore unless Iā€™m expecting to get one and would likely snap trash / spam filter this if I saw it. Even my ā€œgoodā€ accounts are 99% phishing scams or marketing spam.

Yeah 99.999% of my email reading is emails giving me codes or other info I am acting on immediately or some order or shipping information I search for specifically.

I donā€™t remember the last time I opened and browsed my email just because, but it has been a long time.

I like the random job listings/solicitations some times just to see what the market is like.

Many many years ago there was a 60 Minutes piece on a woman who had a stroke during a chiropractic treatment neck adjustment. Iā€™ve never been to a chiropractor. But if I did Iā€™d definitely say no neck adjustment.

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this is how ive been doing medical bills

  • scary calls about er visit from months ago
  • i tell them to talk to my insurance co because im over my yearly out of pocket
  • they say ok
  • more scary calls
  • i say talk to them again
  • check periodically, finally an $850 bill is $20, now i will pay



Yeah but the problem is they are insane and you will probably just end up arguing about cervical adjustments with them saying the artery dissection stories are FAKE NEWS or some shit. Instead, you can go to PT and get the same manipulation to T and L spine if you need those without the Randy Savage neckbreaker or obviously horseshit therapeutic claims.

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stop there, donā€™t.


So mom was looking for some help for my dad. Company 1 offered 4 hours a day 3 days a week at 28.50. Company 2 offered 4 hours a day 3 days a week at 30 but a slight preference to company 2. Insurance would kick in after 90 days.

So after 30 weeks insurance would kick in

Company 1=4 * 3 * 28.50 * 30=10260
Company 2=4 * 3 * 30 * 30=10800

But Company 1 offered to come in Tuesday for 1 hour at 51.50, and this one hour would count for a day. So now 4 days a week 90/4=done in 22.5 weeks.

So now Company 1 comes into (4 * 3 * 28.50+51.50) * 22.5=8853.75

Somehow an extra hour at almost twice the rate somehow comes out to a $1400 savingā€¦lolā€¦

Yeah, this.

Chiropractic is just super successful snake oil. But worse than snake oil, because I think snake oil was meant to be useless, whereas chiropractors do actually dangerous shit for no good reason.

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I THINK I went to a chiropractor when I was really young. I had some kind of neck issue. I remember that the chiropractor did not help and made it hurt more.

But I am sure this serious science is better 45 years later.

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The Venn diagram of chiropractors and people involved in MLM scams is one circle.

Iā€™ve been to the chiropractor a couple of times in my life and they were all selling some kind of bullshit health MLM product.


iā€™ve been to a few chiros, and most visits were to some sort of PT/massage places that also did chiro adjustments, with relatively sound sports medicine bend, and the chiro treatments were sort of benign and auxiliary to joint mobility stuff.

i think only one adjusted my neck, although i think it may have been upper spine rather than neck. it was nothing like the violent-looking head turn. the rest of them never tried anything of the sort.

No sir. Those dead patients had handshake agreements with their chiros. Your neurologist guy is a menace and danger to society.

I had a telemedicine today which basically involved an NP telling me that my sleep doctor retired and that the new director will require drug testing and controlled substance contracts. Iā€™ve been on adderall for 7-8 years now and need (something) to wake up and function during the day. My case file with the sleep center is extensive and shows over quite a long period that this isnā€™t some drug hustle.

Anyway, itā€™s pretty insulting for that reason but also annoying since my retired doctor wrote the original Rx for modafinil before it came off patent and the insurance said ā€œlol no, take adderall.ā€ Since it was working well without too many issues, he didnā€™t want to change it despite me suggesting switching several times over the years. Being on a C2 is a huge pain in the ass and Iā€™m tired of being treated like a crackhead.

This clinic is hours away now since I moved but was working fine with telemedicine / electronic prescribing due to covid. I think it looks sketch if I donā€™t test, and Iā€™m not going to fail a drug test unless itā€™s a false result, but Iā€™m not signing a motherfucking contract. So whatā€™s the play here?


Modafinil is a lot cheaper nowadays and my wife likes it fwiw