Healthcare USA #1

Glad you got it done.


I remember when I had one, the technician told me to try to avoid taking deep breaths. Of course, that made me feel like I needed to take deep breaths.

The thing didnā€™t freak me out or anything, it just got boring and uncomfortable lying still for so long in such a noisy environment.

Had my first one in January. Yeah, it was weird being in that tube for 30-40 minutes.

They gave me headphones and asked what kind of music I liked and I asked if they had any hard rock. They said in some kind of confused voice that they had some ā€œrock hitsā€ station and I said fine. It was the whiniest, blandest stuff Iā€™ve ever heard in my life. Maybe they were afraid I would start headbanging if they played Coldplay. I just had to laugh.

Ha headphones that are safe in an MRI are pretty rare IME, pretty cool thing to do honestly.

Lol timingaments. Was still editing my post when you wrote it.

Yeah fuck. I totally botched this because it just occurred to me that maybe youā€™ve never had an MRI. Was going to suggest you ask for the valium and get the warm wash cloth to cover your eyes. Did they lock your head down in the harness? Did you have contrast?

I had some kind of a harness type thing locking my head into place. I have this recurring dream that I am in an open elevator platform going slowly through a ever shrinking upwards passageway until I am about to get squished which wakes me up. This made me think about that. Iā€™m not super claustrophobic but I assume I have some of that rattling around in me somewhere. I just closed my eyes and tried to think about other stuff and it all worked out. Giving you the panic button you can use to get out early does put some weird thoughts in your head as well.


Might be more common now? Iā€™ve been given headphones and choice of music for multiple MRIs. I ask for something mellow and usually doze off a bit. The rattling of the machine soothes me to sleep I guess.

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Seems like weā€™ve got a crazy high number of regs who have had MRIs.

Already got the results back on the MRI in my online portal. Not sure how serious this is. I guess we will wait and see Monday when I have my follow up. The summary at the bottom is:

ā€œMultilevel degenerative changes and degenerative disc disease, as detailed
above, most significant at C5/6, where there is severe left foraminal stenosis.
Correlate clinically for left C6 nerve root symptomatology.ā€

At least I know it wasnā€™t all in my head. The stuff with the insurance company had me doubting the seriousness of what was going on with me over and over over the last few months.

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We already knew you were a degenerate.


Iā€™ve had a few due to being an epileptic

So add me to that list

I feel bad now for not thinking to give the heads up earlier. On another forum where most of us have had multiple brain MRIs with the head cage, I tell noobs to take the drugs and consider asking for eye cover. The weirdest thing about it to me is how it totally fucks up your field of vision / depth of field, sort of like youā€™re having an out of body experience and looking down at your legs through a wide angle lens with impossible geometry. And those little mirrors in the cage just make it weirder imo.

I had to have an MRI done when I pulled my back.

The first time I tried without drugs. Took me about 3 minutes to hit the eject button.

second time I took some xanax that the MRI joint gave me. I was happily singing throughout the MRI that time.

Take the drugs.

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Ya I should have. I didnā€™t really even get offered them other than they did ask me if I was clausterphobic or not. To which I said I didnā€™t really know. To be fair I was never close to ejecting but I felt like I was on the verge of an anxiety/panic attack for most of it. The confined space and having your head be on the closed end and feeling like you are in a coffin or something is just hard to get out of your head. I did something I do often to take my mind of something or try and fall asleep and started going through hole by hole a bunch of golf courses I played a ton as a kid trying to remember every hole. That worked fairly well although one course I was missing one hole on the front nine and that just increased my anxiety for those few seconds until I moved on.

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Ahā€¦my head was on the open end, which would explain why my experience wasnā€™t as nerve-wracking. My head still went all the way in, but I went in feet first.

I assume it probably depends what they are scanning maybe?

Yeah, I would assume so. Mine was hips (one at a time, different years).

Yes. Hips or lower extremities go in feet first as far as Iā€™ve experienced. They also have open MRIs now which donā€™t enclose your head quite as much. Not sure if those are commonly available or not though.

I was just in an MRI for an hour and it got incredibly hot toward the end. Felt like I was in a microwave. Brutal.

Good news is, MRI showed no spinal cord damage causing the weakness in my legs. Bad news is, I probably have Guillain-Barre. Over the course of two days I went from totally normal to slight weakness in my legs to complete immobility. I recommend avoiding this shit if you can. Looking forward to the fight with Cigna over whether my hospital admission was truly warranted.


Fuck, dude.

Good luck.