Hard at Work or Hardly Working, CEO Edition

I suppose, but even hagiographers had the good sense to leave out the child sex abuse and such.


I think many of them do ā€œworkā€ a lot because as I mentioned earlier they keep all the fun stuff for themselves and give the hard work to everyone else. Itā€™s not hard to work 60 hours when you leave yourself the tasks of parsing high level summaries and making decisions, lunch meetings, and trips to Davos to talk about your Vision.


Of course every CEO has a good right hand manā€¦ but do you know how much work it is to find a good right hand man these days?

COO is a fucking brutal job in large companies. THATā€™S a job that involves 60 hours of real work. I think most people do that specifically to get on the shortlist for CEO.

Sorry if this is too personal and you donā€™t have to answer but what did you do for work when you left America? Did you have a new job lined up, doing the same job?

What was your job btw, I forgot.

20 hours of ā€œtravel, exercise, personal appointments and other activitiesā€

That sounds like 20 hours of ā€œnot workingā€.


Iā€™m not interested in getting into this debate but if we are using anecdotes Iā€™ll say this. In 15 years running the company, all 15 years I worked more hours than the other 49 employees. Usually by a pretty big margin.

The ā€œit wasnā€™t workā€ takes are pretty funny itt given most everyone here has a white colour job of some kind. I know there are exceptions.

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Hereā€™s the thing. No one is talking about CEOā€™s of companies with only 50 people. I assumed that was clear, but apparently not.


This is a hilarious malapropism.


Ok fair but these ā€œitā€™s not workā€ takes read so hollow.

By the same definition being president isnā€™t work as it only involves meetings and travel.

Lol :joy: I wish I could claim it was intentional.

Hours worked can be a bullshit measure. Especially for mental work. I readily admit I have a 1st gear and a 4th gear but not much 2nd or 3rd gears. But Iā€™m a ā€œback of mindā€ thinker- whether itā€™s math or writing. When the calcs or words flow they come out fast and generally just want I need. When they donā€™t flow itā€™s a grind. Iā€™ve had to teach myself to outline sometimes to make progress.

Itā€™s tough on the wfh consulting time accounting. Iā€™ll be working on client problems while Iā€™m out running errands. Then several hours of stewing will turn into an ā€œhourā€ of work. So much easier to bill when Iā€™m on site with the client.


Hey come on. Maybe they were holding an afternoon tee time for pumpkin. (I donā€™t actually know what that means bc I donā€™t golf.)

Pumpkin might technically be on the clock but heā€™s also getting a massage or a haircut or working out in the executive gym or whatever. Gimme all the CEO ā€œworkā€.

Damn it, not only did my post get moved, i2i already made this point. I need a new executive posting pony.

Damn it. Always a catch.

Hardly working. Fuck CEOs. Guillotines for all of them.


Being the CEO of a successful, large stable company has a few high leverage spots a year that are stressful but is ldo generally a sweet gig if you can get it. Itā€™s the getting it part that sucks.

Being the CEO of a company w/ real challenges that you are not sure you can overcome is about is stressful as itā€™s gets assuming we arenā€™t talking about a failson heir type situation that just DGAFā€¦

Dan Price is a great follow on Twitter. He exposes CEOā€™s all the time.



My wife is a Sr VP at a good sized company and her day is 90% meetings, itā€™s ridiculous there must be a better way to do things. She will have some days of wall to wall meetings from 8-5.

Life is too complicated for us to be a nation of self-sufficient, Jeffersonian yeoman farmers. Money is a way for us to do accounting more efficiently in the division of labor.

My boss is like this, sheā€™s a SVP and Iā€™m an AVP at a large company. We have like one meeting a week where I get an hour to tell her whats up and if she needs to do anything. Sheā€™ll send me maybe 3 emails during the week describing something she wants me to deal with. I feel like my level is the level where I actually have to project manage to make sure things get done.

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