Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

I’ll bag the Friday next week slot, giving me this weekend to put the hours in.

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May 14: Miliboo
May 15: suzzer99
May 16: LouisCyphre
May 23: jalfrezi

@Nicholasp27 Are you able to reveal some time in the next week or so?

My butthole is ready even though I am not confident in your category

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looking forward to an entire new playlist of edm, pls don’t disappoint. I honestly have no idea how I’ll do in this category, since I wasn’t entirely sure what edm genres miliboo is into. All I know is my entry slaps.


If I had a dollar for every time this has been whispered in to my ear…

Ok folks, nearly ready. Coupla points:

  1. I have to do all this on my phone, my desktop appears to have Covid. Expect delays and typos aplenty (spellcheck defaults to Español on my phone).

  2. As with pretty much everything I have done in my life, I will be making this up as I go along. Obviously inspired by you crazy kids in this, and previous reveals.

I have the order ready and have listened 4 times I think (winner maybe 10). I will be giving one last listen to each track pre-reveal.

Last place = lolno
Middle bunch = beered up (would dance to if drunk)
Podium = loved up (would have cheesy grin whilst dancing with mucho hugging of strangers throughout).

Gl all, some of you really need it.


Yeah this is one of the categories I have been most looking forward to.

I do hope there is some accompanying footage of miliboo dancing alone in a room while each of our tracks play.

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Mostly I was like…


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Lol, can’t find results list I wrote with pen and paper. Brb

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Check CM3004’s butthole…










Ill page everyone for you that isn’t already posting here once it kicks off…assuming you find the results.

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Cassette you magnificent bastard! ty

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I need some new music :D

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Thanks guys. Mrs always knows where everything is. All set.

Category host name: miliboo

Category: An electronic dance track that makes me wanna hit the 'floor.

Musical tastes: Fairly mainstream Brit rock, britpop etc, hardhouse, trance, techno, drum n bass.

Any other judging notes: Will not punish submissions that are >5mins long!

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Ok, in 13th place with 1 point:
She’s Lost Control by Joy Division

I challenge anyone to a) want to dance to this or b) even be able to dance to this.

Having said that by 3rd or 4th listening I thought it was OK, just a terrible fit for the category imo. And mo is all that counts.


love me some joy division (wasn’t me tho)


We now enter the beered up section of the reveal ladies and gentlemen…

In 12th place with 2 points

Title - Artist Get Lucky - Daft Punk

I feel like I am being mighty harsh here, but familiarity breeds contempt. I would dance to this no problem but just wasn’t what I was looking for in this category.

I fully realise that most of my submissions are well known tracks and that I am a massive hypocrite. I came to terms with that years ago.


to be fair to whoever submitted this, I’m pretty sure I danced to that a lot in jr high and high school. However, it is not my entry because i kinda figured a dark goth club wasn’t what you were looking for.