Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

In 11th place, scoring 3 points

VNV Nation - Illusion

This is a German group, but I didn’t have to google to know that. There’s something quintessentially… EURO about this and I can’t put my finger on it. It’s something in the flat delivery of the vocals, almost totally affect free. I think the composition is OK, but the bloodlessness of it really got to me. It’s not monotone, obviously, he’s hitting all the notes accurately, but the emotional delivery has the quality of a monotone. That’s the best way I can put it.

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7th consecutive nodium avoided.


I got nodium

I gave snuff first in one of my walruses

Chris and my tastes are different it seems

In 10th place, scoring 4 points

Nothing More - Jenny

I should probably put nu-metal and related genres in my dislikes list. The production is a definite problem for me here, just too bright and clean, like a movie shot on video rather than film stock. The song is alright, but the style is nails on a blackboard.

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My phone isn’t on silent

That’s mine.

Not nodium, but not good.

haha Walrus is so weird. I felt this was one of my strongest submissions for all categories and it runs dead last, and I won two categories I didn’t feel remotely confident about!

I’m sorry ChrisV. You were the sun and moon to me.


In 9th place, scoring 5 points

Paul Quinn & Edwyn Collins - Pale Blue Eyes

Velvet Underground cover. I just thought this was dull. I don’t have a lot more to say about it. I had to agree with this guy:


Try it out, tell me he’s wrong.


Back to back non nodiums. The comeback continues


Another entry to file under “a bit dull”.

In 8th place, scoring 6 points

Peter Gabriel - Washing of the Water

Pleasant enough, but I’d listen to it and when it ended I’d always be like “oh it’s over, I guess” and it never rose to the level of making an impact on me. I can see that it’s a pretty song, but meh.


at least I beat seities and eyebooger in one category

(that was mine)


Quite liked everything from here on out.

In 7th place, scoring 7 points

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - The Devil May Care (Mom and Dad Don’t)

I feel like this is probably @Jalfrezi because he generally submits something baffling that I can’t quite get my head around. This is layered, slightly psychedelic throwback rock. At one point, for reasons I can’t fathom, what appears to be an Irish jig is added over the top. Agreeably weird.


I’m adding to the scorecard as we go and can tell you that those who were 1st/2nd/3rd/4th have all been revealed already.

ChrisV = The Great Equalizer.




In 6th place, scoring 8 points

Minimal Compact - When I Go

The submitter wrote:

I’m not 100% sure how well this sounds in a vacuum and not at all representative of Minimal Compact’s music, but it has a special place in my adolescent heart. It was on the soundtrack of Wings of Desire, which I would point out as a pretentious teenager, but never actually watched.

Never heard of this band before. I like the way this sounds slightly off-centre all the way through, it never quite gets into a groove. Has an uneasy, unsettled sort of feel to it. It’s got personality.

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In 5th place, scoring 9 points

Something Corporate - Konstantine

@CanadaMatt3004 submitted this to my walrus last time, and I still feel the same about it, which is that I like it, but not as much as I want to. I like the mood of the track and when I hear the first 30 seconds I’m like “this is going to be really good, surely” but then by like minute 3 or 4 I’m like “Jesus, get on with it”. It never justifies its length or really establishes itself as the epic it aspires to be.

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First they ignore you, then you get 6th place. Not too upset with it, I was scared of another nodium tbh.

And even tho no one will ask:

Minimal Compact were an Israeli new-wave/post-punk/whatever band that was relatively successful in part of Europe in the 80s. Much in the style of Tuxedomoon.
The girl singing is the bassist and not the lead singer. She’s married to Colin Newman who produced some of their stuff.
The guitarist, who didn’t sing or write anything but was the only guy who could actually play his instrument professionally became probably the most successful rock artist in Israel in the 90’s onward.

This is a better example of their music:

Ahhhh shit. I thought I submitted it last time but wasnt sure.


I think I’m calling an audible here and making a last minute switch between 4th and podium.
