Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

At one point I had this as my entry for pyatniski, and my pyat entry over here. Glad i did them this way round

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Well my score is far too low, obv

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Yeah, this was mine, as I hinted at with my early post about my love for storytelling songs.

Would Mona Lisa or The Show have fared better? Or you know all 3 so wouldnā€™t matter?

Pablo Picasso was me.

Well done with the reveal and managing better than most of us not mortally offend anyone.

We have nobody scheduled to reveal next, so feel free to call your day if you are ready. We definitely donā€™t have to keep this pace though, itā€™s fine to have a day or two gap from here as people keep preparing.

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Donā€™t get overly excited or anything.

I should be thrilled, youā€™re right, because I thought my selection was a duffer based on some comments of yours earlier that I canā€™t remember and probably misunderstood.

Iā€™m very pleasantly surprised.

Where would Living in NW3 have come?

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You got exactly what I wanted out of it. Just thought it would do better than 8th.

I donā€™t think a straight up parody would have done well, especially one where some of the jokes might be lost on me (havenā€™t paid attention to the lyrics tho)

I do know all 3 and Iā€™m not sure. To be honest, you were mostly in competition with 6th place in my ranking and I think 5 was the ceiling for Slick Rick here. I really liked the top 4.

Well, mine was obviously the only song that a woman would find funny but maybe not a lot of guys. Of course, I thought about this after I submitted, but every girl/female friend of mine gets a good laugh and ā€œfuck yes!ā€ out of U+Ur Hand, mainly because itā€™s so scathing and true.

Oh well, I wasnā€™t confident in this category, either, so Iā€™ll take 10th.

(also, I have the mind of a 13 yr old boy, so any popular song so blatant about jerking off makes me giggle)

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Would have been an elite entry for my category

Sure, keep rubbing it in.

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No shame in losing to folk like The Modern Lovers and the great Mancunian John Cooper Clark and Dream Warriors and Smog and Slick Rick and Cass McCombs and Flight of the Conchords and Pychostick and Monty Python and Pink and Elmwood and Tripod. Thanks for the reveal. I hope seities doesnā€™t get too big for this Walrus now, though, we need the organisation.


Anyone else having trouble getting the motivation together to listen to their walrus? I was supposed to do it this weekend but didnā€™t get around to it for no particular reason.

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Iā€™m finding it hard to get motivated to even get dressed in the morning.


Do you want me to send you a minute long flute solo by a hair metal band? might cheer you up


I do