Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Based on his comments today and one he made in the sign up thread, Sorry CanadaMatt :frowning:

In 12th place with 2 points:

Tripod - Gonna Make You Happy Tonight

I do not know Tripod and they might be Australia’s national treasure, but this missed the mark for me. They are clearly extremely proficient in what they do and this routine is very smooth and decently written (for what they were aiming for at least). Also whoever sent it wrote “I hope you enjoy it” which I appreciated. Sadly, it didn’t help much.

The first glaring problem was the medium. This is an audio recording of a live comedy act. I have not seen the actual live act but based on some of the very loud laughter from the crowd, there was physical humor involved. Which is great, if I could see it. The actual result is me listening to a lot of people laugh for reasons I cannot understand and it made me a bit agitated.

The second issue is the actual song. I didn’t rule out comedic songs, but in this case the music feels like a prop for their act. I don’t actually enjoy listening to cheesy harmonies.

The last problem for me is that I don’t love the kinda clean, edgeless nerdy humor. There were some good liners but it was very predictable and not a show I’d be interested in based on that one example.

Sorry Australia, but consider this payback for Matthew Dellavedova. We’re even.

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My trick for great reveal rating is placing the only 2 people reading it in the last two places.


That’ll learn ya


I think you were pretty polite about that one.

(Cue my entry, obvs)


In 11th Place with 3 points

Elmwood - Sundown

This starts the section of stuff I didn’t dislike but not a big fan either. I liked the thoughts that the user shared in the comments and I think he gave this some thought which I appreciate. Unfortunately I didn’t vibe with the pick as much.

I do not know Elmwood, but he appears to be a white rapper circa 00s. It’s a cover of Gordon Lightfoot’s hit and Elmwood only adds a few lines here and there, none of which are funny or memorable.

(“She’s gotta fess up, yo is her dress up?
Oh indeed, and tell em how it is B, bring 'em up to speed)

The production doesn’t pop either. To me the whole thing feels slightly like a local kid trying to score a crossover hit using the known formula of cutesy cover to a kinda forgotten song. It might be unfair as I don’t know any of his other work, but it felt like trying to ride on the success of Smash Mouth or maybe Everlast.

It remained ‘Easy Listening’ to me. It wasn’t bad, but it also fell kinda short of anything better.

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I consider my song a storytelling song, but I have a feeling you don’t.

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I really hope you at least liked mine. I was worried about bombing last place.



I have absolutely no guess as to who sent the #1 song, so everyone still left is in the running as far as I’m concerned and really excited to learn who it was.

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Faded another nodium!


In 10th Place with 4 points

Pink - U + Ur Hand

It’s a fairly generic pop song from the mid-00s with an expensive production and is easily interchangeable to me with dozens of hits from that period.

I’m not entirely sure why anyone would pick this as a Walrus song, but it has some cheeky lyrics to it and maybe it was somewhat edgier than what was expected from girl pop stars at the time?
It does reference masturbation.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I think it could be a subversive pick, which is a good thing, but I might be overthinking it.

Okay pop song for the genre. I expected it to do worse to be honest and it have grown on me over the 4-5 mandatory listens.


Storytelling songs are one of my favorite styles of songs

I chose that as my walrus category the last grab bag walrus (on 22)

In 9th place with 5 points

Monty Python - Every sperm is sacred
This is kinda unfair. I mean, it’s Monty Python. It’s The Meaning of Life. We all love this movie, we all loved this sketch. But as I said, it’s a song contest, not a comedy contest.

It’s a brilliantly written criticism of the Catholic church. But it’s also a twist on Oliver Twist (see what I did there?) sang partially by a choir of children.
As part of a movie - sure, I love it. Who wouldn’t. But as a musical piece to listen on its own? I do not usually enjoy musicals and this ain’t no Lin-Manuel Miranda either.

Also, I kinda feel that sending Monty Python to a humor category is a bit of a lazy choice maybe?

Or to quote the great John Cleese - Oh, dear. I have trodden in monsieur’s bucket.


In 8th place with 6 points

** Psychostick - Girl Directions**

Is it a stupid name? Yeah.
Is it a terrible song? Absolutely.
Is it a badly written stereotypical joke with some Nu-Metal? A-ha
Did I laugh every time he shouted the punchline? You betcha.

I never heard of this band, but I did listen to a lot of silly punk bands in my youth and was kinda hoping to have a few stupid noisy crass songs. It benefited from being the only one in its category.

Do I also get a stupid kick out of ranking a band named Psychostick one place ahead of the greatest comedy group of all time? Maaaaybe.


In 7th place with 7 points

Flight of the Conchords - Business Time

The last of the strictly ‘comedy songs’ submitted.

You all probably know this one. It’s funny. It’s well-written. I like the Barry White groove.
As a stand-alone song, it fares better than Tripod and Monty Python for me.

But still, the category was songs that use humor and a pick from Flight of the Conchords is, again, somewhat lazy. That’s as high as I could rank it. Enjoyable nonetheless.


These guys are literally the only funny comedy song merchants who have ever existed.

I’ll take a coffee break before the final 6, who were all great picks so kudos for the ones not out yet.

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My favorite is “I’m not crying”

“Business Time” is great, but “Think About It” is my favourite, I think. It’s quite amazing that they’ve done many funny songs and no one else has done any.

In 6th place with 8 points

Cass McCombs - Bobby, King of Boys Town

Finally, we’ve reached the part where I liked all the songs. Never heard of Cass McCombs and not usually into singer/songwriters type, but this was really good.

It has a strong Lou Reed vibe and the lyrics are pretty cool. I’m not entirely sure what the song is about. Are we Bobby? Is Bobby a jerk? Is it a song about a gay kid in a religious Oklahoma city? Dunno. Still liked it a lot.

This is quite literally a burn I used as a teenager:

Where’d you learn to smoke?
Cause you’re doing it all wrong

Nice pick all around. setting the tone for a great top 6.

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