Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

i honestly don’t recall what I was thinking. I think when I wrote the post I had just come off twitter or reddit or something and was fired up. And it’s something that will immediately make me skip/turn the station.

Didn’t mean to imply that anyone here would submit anything like that

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Yeah being from Straya is a bit of a cheat code.

Not a huge fan of his or anything but I like “Aliens”, check it out.



heh, yeah, all 3 on the podium were from non-US acts. I kinda figured Alex Lloyd was you but I couldn’t be sure.

it was a (poor) joke on his entry here that finished 2nd. Volbeat.

Evanescence-lite was the first thing that entered my head when I pressed play

Um, except that i completely forgot that Evanescence even existed…

All you want is what you can’t have, and if ya just look around, man, you’ll see you’ve got magic.

Because! :heart:

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5th and 8th - I’m at the top of the bell curve!

I would seriously pay someone $500 to put every song from all the Walruses on unstuck on an external hard drive for me - maybe there’s some way to automate the process? Or someone knows a 16-year-old with a ton of free time on their hands who would like to earn some money.

I still listen to my old school 80GB ipod in my car. And I need some music for when I start my trip again. Spotify playlists don’t work when you’re in the boonies of Patagonia. And there is no cheap unlimited data plan even when you do have a connection. Plus I want them all in one place where I can just go random.

I currently have about 5000 songs that I shotgun d/l-ed over emule back in 2006 or so. But obviously they’re getting a little old. A lot of the hidden gems I post in these walruses are from that though. Took me about 80 hours to d/l all that stuff - I got the bands from new music threads on 22 and a few other places.

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Set Spotify to download the files. I have all my Spotify stuff available offline.

I know but I want to put every single walrus song from all the walruses here in one playlist and download it - which I can’t imagine is possible. If I could somehow pay for that and download it I’d do it.

I don’t like short playlists. I like my own radio station - at least 200 songs randomized. The more songs the longer it takes me to get bored.

Afaik we have one playlist for each category of each walrus - which is like 100 playlists, right?

You can copy paste playlist contents into other playlists on desktop, might not take too long.

Desktop spotify? Can I listen to that in my car as I’m driving around?

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Friendly pre-tag reminder that the Comedy Walrus will begin at 2:00 PM PST. It’s gonna be a doozy.



Ok, this one I feel MUCH better about if the ability to pick comedy songs by this bunch is in any way related to their ability to pick songs for my comedy category back during my walrus.

Basically, all I would have need to have done was pick a song that made you laugh once, YUV, and you could slap a gold medal around my neck.

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Now time for funny walrus lightning round:


Not feeling at all good about this, mainly because I thought I had an idea about Yuv’s humour then found out too late that I don’t.

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