Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Leslie Feist is a female. If I had picked Lower Dens it would have been difficult. Latest album, the lead singer identifies as male, but older ones identified as gender fluid.

Yeah, I kinda dug The Streets at the time, havenā€™t had a listen in donkeys. I remember ordering Marlons a lot in the pub and the bar staff nearly always (rightfully) thought I was a twat.

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You really dont like Kanyeā€¦

Not sure which sub-genre youā€™re referring to. The first two albums of The Streets were my among my favorites when they came out.

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I like the Kanye trackā€¦it just didnā€™t fit the category.

UK garage style hip hop never really caught fire with me (I guess it wasnā€™t as popular over here, because itā€™s hard to find good examples of this style that made it big in the US), but that might just be due to lack of exposure rather than actively disliking it.

In 6th place for 8 points
Better Than ā€“ John Butler Trio

Any commentary (optional):I think this is a good fit, and John Butler Trio might be a group that in general you enjoy.

Youā€™re right, and I do. This is a fun listen, but it ultimately fell in the standings due to familiarity (to me, anyway) and the fact that some of the other submissions just really knocked my socks off.


This was me!

Kinda bummed you knew about them already as I hoped I was bringing you a whole new world like you did for me with BT.

Very happy to rank in the top half, and this is a nice idea for a category :-)


hehe, they are one of the bands my husband and I can agree on , so they go on the playlist when weā€™re in the car together.

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Getting closer now. Next up, someone who traveled in time and space back to my childhood room and looked on the shelves at the tapes and brand new CDsā€¦(kinda creepy)

In 5th place for 9 points
Movinā€™ On Up ā€“ Primal Scream

Heh, someone knows my standard musical tastes. This was my high school life! Nostalgia gets you 5th place. It also gets you knocked off the podium for familiarity. No complaints about this song, just found a few that were better.


Primal scream is mine. Wasnā€™t sure how well known they were in Yanklandia.

My gf at the time would put screamadelica on every night when it was, erm, ya know, time to Come Togethor.

Eta also, delighted with 5th. Pretty sure thatā€™ll be my peak!


I may podium

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Thatā€™s great! It just makes me happy to know they get listens outside of Aus. Iā€™ve seen them live a few times. They are so talented, and so refreshingly genuine. Sometimes after performing in a city they go somewhere the next day and busk.

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I have no good marker for how popular new wave, et. al. bands were in the greater US. I grew up blessed with one of the greatest alt rock radio stations in the country, so things that I heard all the time growing up and in high school I generally find out later that no one else has ever heard of.

97X. BAM! The Future of Rock 'n Roll


In 4th place for 10 points
Song For a Friend ā€“ Jason Mraz

The message of this song is a perfect example of what I was looking for in this category, coupled with a gorgeous tune. While I would normally put this lower due to length, the ending of this is absolute gold and worth the wait. It definitely took me on a journey! The only reason this didnā€™t podium is because the top three stood out to me so much more.

Fun fact: Jason is from VA but owns and operates a farm in San Diego county now and will sometimes pop in and play with local bands, as well as with big names as they come through on tour.

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Damn, so close to podium

Glad you liked it


Oh kick ass. Another podium!


we made it! If you feel the need to protest, nowā€™s the time

Also, snowboards are optional, but definitely recommended

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These three songs stood out from the rest for me, for different reasons. All three instantly went on my sisterā€™s requested playlist (as well as my own), and Iā€™m currently finding other songs from these acts that I like. I had never heard any of these, and finding new music is what walrus is all about!

In 3rd place for 11 points
Amazing ā€“ Alex Lloyd

I love the twist on the category in these lyrics. Call it a breakup song, I guess. Living, learning, and moving on while appreciating what you had (but knowing you canā€™t keep it). Itā€™s both sad and affirming at the same time. Combined with a killer tune that makes me want to sing along, this is sure podium material.


My protest is clear. My song is more positive than you gave it credit for.


Yo Iā€™ma let you finish but my submission is the most positive of all time!



Next up, in what may be the biggest musical whiplash in walrus historyā€¦

In 2nd place for 12 points
Maybe I Believe ā€“ Volbeat

The submitter of this (I think I know who it is purely based on lurking a previous walrus) is probably as shocked as I am that youā€™re on the podium. But here you are. Iā€™m giving away my musical naivete here, but I donā€™t even know what to call this subgenreā€¦melodic metal? Much guitars muchly? I donā€™t know what it is but I absolutely love it. The lyrics, the tune, the instrumentation, the singerā€™s voiceā€¦this is not something I ever would have found on my own, so thank you.