Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

I’ve listened to the first three, but only feel like I’ve taken in the first one properly yet. I’m enjoying it overall and Dazed and Confused particularly seems like about as good a thing that’s been recorded.


I believe Mr @microbet to be a huge fan of How Many More Times.

You’d probably also like the BBC sessions from 1969 that captures them in all their early raw brilliance, which as a teenager I bootlegged onto cassette from a radio broadcast lol, but since released.

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Dazed and Confused was my entry drug into Zeppelin. There’s a live video of them playing it for a tv show that is amazing. As an electric blues guitarist at the time, I adored Since I’ve Been Loving You. I can still play the intro solo.

edit: found it


Gonna get this rolling in about 30 minutes.

Get ready to feel better about life…dammit!





Ohhhhhh snap

Somehow the three categories I am least confident in get revealed first

This is the only category I’ve ever come close to having to Google an entry for. Positive music? Whoever heard of such a thing?!

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I fairly quickly found a submission for skydiver, then I made the mistake of actually reading the lyrics and figuring out the song isn’t uplifting at all. I did not have a second choice. I came really close to submitting Creed. I did not.

Posting now so I can come in last.


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Category host name : skydiver8
Category : an uplifting song about life, personal growth, etc., preferably by a male artist/group, but that isn’t required. (finding songs by female artists in this category is easy)
Musical tastes : Easier to say what I dislike: modern country-pop, mumble rap, and screamer metal. Pretty much anything else is fair game.
Any other judging notes : I will throw your submission in the bin if it’s blatantly racist or misogynistic. I won’t dock points for a female artist, but it’s less likely to win

I chose this category for purely selfish reasons. My sister asked me to build a playlist of songs about life, lessons learned, living, etc. because she and her students are feeling drained and stressed by the world right now (she’s a medical librarian at the UNLV med school, and they have tapped their third and fourth year students to help with COVID care because NV has such a huge doctor shortage). Everything I found was by female artists, which is fine, but I knew I needed to expand my range a bit…which is why the timing of this walrus was perfect.

This was a challenge to rank, because I honestly found good things about every single submission. There was only one song that didn’t fit the category lyrically (which was pretty much the only criterion), and the rest had at least something good going for it. My writeups are often short, but they are generally positive (or at least not negative)…kind of like the category itself. There is nothing in here I actively hate, which is a good sign.

Also…to quell some concerns, please note that “uplifting” doesn’t necessarily equal “unrelentingly positive”.

So here we go!


Ok, I said there was one song that didn’t fit the category…

In 13th place for 1 point
Stronger – Kanye West

My first thought was someone is trolling me. Seriously, are you trolling me? Did my haters on this forum sneak into this walrus? Did you even listen to the song?

You know, I actually like this track (musically). It’s from before Kanye went batshit, so I don’t feel bad about liking it, and it’s a fun listen. However, it gets last because it doesn’t fit the category. The first line of the chorus might make you think so, but this is a typical “I want to get with you” song about a girl in a club…not what I was looking for at all.


Somehow every category that is revealed I am not confident in


Everything else definitely fits the category lyrically, so now it comes down to listenability. These next few were just…meh. I don’t actively hate any of these, but I’m not really excited about hearing them again, either. The rankings of this group could really be interchangeable, but since we outlawed bundling, I have to assign ranks.

In 12th place for 2 points
Sunshine on Leith – The Proclaimers

I generally like the Proclaimers, but I’ve always found this song one of those tracks I skip because it’s boring. I like the message and it has a pretty hook, but ultimately I get bored after a minute.

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God damn it


lmao, the curse…it lives!

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Posting for curse so I’ll be next

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Reporting for duty. :vulcan_salute:

Firing up my righteous indignation engine in readiness for the anticipated poor finish. I mean, optimistic songs really aren’t my thing. :grin:

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In 11th place for 3 points
The Balance – The Moody Blues

Any commentary (optional): For quite a while I thought I’d have to google something here, but then I remembered this album which my Dad played a lot and I still love. It’s very 70s but I’m pretty sure they mean it with 100% sincerity.

Spoken word just doesn’t really do it for me (usually), especially when I see “Moody Blues” and am expecting something much more musically enticing. Good (probably drug-induced) message, and I like the chorus, but again, meh

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Avoided nodium

It’s all gravy from here on out