GOP insanity spinoff: UP interviews lagtight

Apparently the “vault” wasn’t there anymore. DUCY?

Profs are often good at that.

29 now! Amazin’!

Is this deja vu?

Everybody just stop.

This is nothing to be proud of


He’s happy to live inside his bubble and pretend he’s right. The outside world is scary, deep down he knows there’s a very high chance everything he’s told himself is wrong and his whole world view is a lie. However, he has learned how to separate and ignore things that go against his world view and not think about them too much so he no longer is threatened by anything he is faced with as he can just compartmentalize it as being a separate thing he doesn’t have to think about. It’s easy: bible is right, God is good, that’s all that matters.

Why did you all keep falling for lqgtight? He is fucking with you. It’s so obvious. Stop giving him what he wants.


I don’t think so. There’s a type of brainwashing that causes victims to wear their ignorance as though it’s a badge of honor. It’s appropriate this got brought up in the GOP Insanity thread. When you try to reason with a MAGAt and point out their demonstrable errors in logic or facts, you often get the same thing

No reasonably intelligent person would ever admit to, or want to be associated with such an ignorant comment as the one lagtight posted. There’s a reason these people take such stubborn pride in being wrong even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Learning how to deal with them might be important although I have no idea how when they tell you point blank that they are immune to reason and logic. Do we write them off as hopeless even as they impact our elections, laws, civil rights, and society in general?

Even if he’s 100% sincere anyone engaging with him is a dumbass



What he wants or doesn’t want is of no interest to me. I’ll engage to the extent that it entertains me and when it doesn’t, I won’t.


But when people refuse to accept facts (and these people vote), don’t you think it’s in our interest to figure out why?

Why’s it funny? People declaring that they’ll continue holding a view even when it’s shown to be wrong is no laughing matter

because the person posting that stuff is not “associated” with it. He’s posting on an internet forum using a screenname. He’s not suffering reputational damage.

I think those who would tell you not to engage with him would say that we have a pretty good idea of why already. No further clarity on that issue will be forthcoming.

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So what would you say the difference is between rejecting all evidence that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old and rejecting all evidence that Trump is a liar and lifelong fraudster?

Should we differentiate?

‘Psychological reductionism is the last refuge for someone without an argument.’ - Dennis Prager

I would like to encourage y’all to pay no heed to clovis8’s advice and instead keep giving me ‘what I want.’ Thanks.

  1. I guess I’m at least fairly articulate for someone who is not “a reasonably intelligent person.” That certainly makes me an overachiever given that I earned a B.A. in Philosophy from Cal State Fullerton (1982) and taught part-time for a few years at two community colleges (1982-1990).

  2. I only share opinions that I truly in my heart-of-hearts believe to be true.

  3. I doxxed myself several years ago in the “other forum” several years ago. Same SN as here.