GOP insanity spinoff: UP interviews lagtight

Cute little guy, ain’t he?

Both of these papers

  1. Are proposing variations in the speed of light that are small compared with the measurement error of the speed of light.
  2. Don’t even disagree with the speed of light in a vacuum, only claiming that there is more to the vastness of space than pure nothingness
  3. Are hypotheses, not anything that has been measured.
  4. Are likely bullshit.

Sure, I grant you can find a crank who says the world is flat in the form of a scientific paper. Doesn’t mean it’s worth anything.

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By how much do these theorists think the speed of light could have changed? How much would it have to change to make a 6000 year old earth possible?

I don’t think you or your buddies know, you’re just hanging your hat on the fact that it “could” have been different without doing the math. Which means you are wrong.

This thread in a nutshell:

Lagtight: expresses silly ignorant probably half-trolling opinion on the nature of things
Other guy: argues nittery
Lagtight: argues more nittery, claims he didn’t say what you’re actually trying to refute
Other other guy: posts snide comment or meme pic
Lagtight: “Ha ha what a funny comment/pic, you guys are really hilarious”
Everyone: goes to bed all happy that they totally showed up the other guy


I’m genuinely curious if it’s possible to talk sense into someone with such absurd beliefs. If lagtight were in my family or close circle of friends, he’d be laughed at way more than he is here. I don’t get a chance to talk with people like him

Well said.

You’re good at picking the one sentence or two that you can provide a cheery answer, but what about the rest?

Do you deny red shift and it’s implications? What about artificial selection? Can we agree that poodles are direct descendants of wolves?

Until Dr. Buzzkill showed up.

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I have a question about Jesus, after he came back, could he still walk on water or did the holes in his feet prevent him from doing that?


LOL. So any “scientific fact” that we observe today may not have been true in the past because the Earth was very different in the past? Cool.

Too soon man

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Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Because the chicken hadn’t evolved yet. Told to me by my 8 year old Dino enthusiast grandson

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Too bad too because ring species are a great example

noah meticulously gathered 10,000 species of spider but regretfully, and with tears in his eyes said “sorry dinosaurs. you’re just too big” as he closed the doors of the ark

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btw how pissed are you that the correct answer to this question is being massively frontrun by a completely made-up tv show

tired: dinosaurs existed alongside human beings exactly like in the flintstones until noah decided to destroy them because he’d rather save fire ants and parasitic worms

wired: those are dragon bones and carbon dating is obviously bogus because st george FAMOUSLY slayed the last dragon not even 1000 years ago

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There’s an IG account that has been coming up in my feed with a guy who spoofs dumb dude podcast discussions, and he had one bit about how there is irrefutable proof that dragons existed.

Not one dinosaur was allowed. Fuck Noah.

Kids love dinosaurs. I thought Noah had like 500 kids.

Edit: my bad. Noah only has three kids. He had them at 500 years old.

Still three kids love dinosaurs.