GOP insanity spinoff: UP interviews lagtight

Scientific theories are indeed science. Creationism is not

This is just wrong. Micro evolution has been observed many times. Insects developing resistance to pesticides and bacterial resistance to antibiotics are just two examples. There are many more. Do you think god created the collie and german shepard, or do you think they are decendent from wolves?

The theory of evolution began based upon Darwin’s meticulous observations, but today, we have DNA, chemical, and so many more advancements that were unavailable to Darwin. Each, has only strengthened the theory over time


I absolutely agree with you that Microevolution is a scientific fact. The insects that develop resistance to pesticides are still insects. The bacteria that builds resistance to antibiotics remain bacteria.

“Particles to People Evolution” has never been observed, has never been replicated in a lab. Microevolution has a been replicated in a lab many times (e.g. the color-changing peppermoth).

Asking to witness “particles to people” evolution in order to think one of the strongest theories in science is “true” is akin to to saying “I’m not going to believe in your god until we see his nephew get murdered and then rise from the dead.”

Why do you get to ask for such ridiculous levels of proof while we have to settle for “because it’s in this book?”

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I really have to hand it to Lagtight. He knows how to dole out the crack to keep 'em coming.


I’m enjoying it for now. It’s interesting to me how people think and justify their beliefs

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Are you saying that nothing short of observing a species change into a different species right before our eyes would be compelling for you?

Witnessing speciation is a pretty tall order and highly unreasonable imo. You’ve never seen this

Turn into this

Or this

Turn into this

Yet, I assume you accept oak trees come from acorns and old men come from babies

Speciation can take tens of millions of years. Of course no one has witnessed it


But I have seen it turn into a cop firing bullets.


What do you mean “if”? Doesn’t your book tell you whether it was or not?

An acorn evolving to become an oak tree is the life cycle of a specific individual. A baby evolving into an old man is the life cycle of a particular person. Macroevolution, on the other hand, is a long series of specific individual things allegedly evolving into different individual things. Comparing the two is a fundamental category mistake in my opinion.

“Speciation can take tens of millions of years” makes it no longer a claim of observational science. Which is my point. Ultimately, Creationism and Evolutionism are both Metaphysical Paradigms in my opinion.

The pre-flood world was much different than the current world according to the Scriptures. Some folks pre-flood lived for many hundreds of years, for example.

In this thread I don’t recall telling or suggesting or asking anyone to believe the Bible. I’ve said several times that I believe the Bible. I haven’t offered proof for the Bible, nor has anyone asked for proof of the Bible (unless I missed it).

Evolution - A-Z - Ring species.

Ring species. Literally from “one thing” to “another thing” in space. We don’t need time.

MrWookie, aren’t you also a believer in QAnon, Ancient Judea Edition? You believe a guy rose from the dead on no other evidence that some fanatics from 2,000 years ago wrote that it was so (and probably not until a couple generations after the fact). Your epistemology is the same here, you just have the good sense to trim off those aspects which are most easily disproven.

Like you’re acting superior here for concluding these guys are “speaking in metaphors” rather than reaching the obvious conclusion that the book is full of shit in its entirety.

How do you know this? What evidence do you have that the full grown tree came from an acorn? Or that the man was once a baby?

The reason I chose these examples is because you seem to think that until we see a monkey give birth to a human, there’s no way to show evolution is true. But it doesn’t work that way. Just as there’s no one day you can point to where a baby turned into a man, there’s no one day species A turns into species B. It’s a slow gradual process that occurs over an immense span of time. Never has one species given birth to another

I asked earlier if you think that god created all current breeds of dogs. If you don’t accept natural selection, hopefully you accept artificial selection? Will you concede that we can cross two different dog breeds to create an entirely different third breed? Do you concede that thru artificial selection we have created seedless fruits and all different sorts of vegetables? Because that’s selection on a much smaller scale over thousands of years. Imagine what’s possible in tens of millions of years

It’s hard to wrap our heads around such deep time, but you should try. Start with what Mr.Wookie has been explaining about how we know the age of the Earth and universe. You’re in the minority even among religious people about the age of the Earth. Then you can learn more about how evolution works. It’s so much more fascinating than “god did it”. You might enjoy the learning

Watch out for those acorns, they can kill you


But is it though?

Speed of Light May Not Be Constant, Physicists Say | Live Science

Now you are being disingenuous. From the article:

Even so, this would point to a much older universe than 6000 years. Congrats, you’ve done nothing to prove your point and only strengthened Mr.Wookie’s


MrWookie claimed that the speed of light is an “absolute fact.” I did nothing more (or less) than show that it is not an “absolute fact.”

(As an aside, how does an “absolute fact” differ from a ‘mere’ or ‘non-absolute’ “fact?”)

Whatever the precise speed of light is, it doesn’t necessarily have any significance on how old the Earth is.

Addendum: I’m as a happy as a clam at high tide whatever the speed of light is. I’m resigned to the fact that light will always be faster than me. :smile: