GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Discouraging women from having children is just going to make the country even browner since we will have an even greater need to turn to migration for growth.

When you take this to its logical end, every time a fertile man gets an erection and there isn’t a breedable female available, potential life is destroyed.


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Saw a column a long time ago (think I was in high school) that the gleam in a man’s eye demanded completion of procreation. Otherwise why would god made the man have the gleam? Obv satirical and a little less crude than my phrasing.

that is literally the plot of Moral Orel episode 2.

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This entire article is amazing and should be titled GOP shocked leopards eat faces.

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Thank you for doing god’s work.




New Hampshire is spending $850,000 to send FIFTEEN national guard members to Texas for THREE months.

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i too will go to the border and stand around for the low low cost of 629dollars and 63 cents per day.


nothing says “supporting the troops” like sending them away from their families for three months to do nothing other than score virtue signalling brownie points with your most insane supporters


i thought he was supposed to be a normie non-idiot republican?

He’s still an idiot, but less so than most. MAGA republicans seem to hate him.

I assume he wants to be president, wants to improve those Right Wing bona fides. Man doesn’t understand the Mitt Romney path is closed forever.

Even the non-MAGA Republicans are hyped for more guns and walls at the border. Probably a lot of Dems too, tbh.

I wasn’t able to post it at the time but yea there was Texas survey and something like 50% of Democrats support militarization of the border by Abbot. It sucks, but it’s one of those things that the average person is strongly anti anti immigrant when it comes to mentioning specific stuff that should be done. The wall, military checkpoints, deportations, etc all poll not terrible.

For a New Hampshirite, I bet it’s real nice in Texas in January, February, and March.

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Let’s just hope Texas doesn’t start sending migrants to swing states.

Republicans have been messaging rabid anti-immigrant bullshit my whole life and the left has never really had a meaningful response. The Dems are gonna punt and triangulate and have slightly more humane immigration policies, but we’re not going to see any kind of defense of immigration as a national value or even a thing we need to keep businesses open. It’s not gonna be good if they make immigration the signature issue of 2024. $800,000 on stunts is probably going to be a new normal.


Start cutting social security payments to old people and raise retirement ages so we can better plan for population decline? Move old people in with their kids like they do in other countries. Stop all the silly retirement/nursing home nonsense spending hundreds of thousands on these people when we are BANKRUPT.

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