GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Kelce seems fine, he got out of line at the Superbowl but that doesn’t appearto be a habit for him.

I like Kelce and I understand that football is an emotional game.

Someone his size putting his hands on a man in his 60’s and almost knocking him over is disgusting.

If it was a black man his size doing the same thing imagine the outrage we would have saw.

And from my limited experience the most toxic men I knew growing up also would cry. Usually after they put their hands on or emotionally abused someone.

There is just zero evidence they are toxic. They can’t stop talking about the women in their lives. Jason has all daughters. Travis is constantly saying great things about women. They talk about art. They talk about emotions. They cry all the time.

If they are toxic masculinity I have no idea what that term means.


Agree with this take. Also just listened to the latest episode of their podcast/show and they discuss the incident with Reid pretty in depth, which changed my perspective of it some.

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They had just turned the ball over. He was riled and ready to play. He ran up to his coach and bumped into him in the process. Dude is 6’5, 250 lbs. The 65 year old man wasn’t looking and stumbled. There’s no there here. It was an accident. End of story


I’m a little confused. You watched your first football game just 5 days ago but are also a regular listener to the Kelce bros podcast? Strange combo imo

I’d call it more adrenaline fueled intimidation (of someone he knows and cares about) than an accident. He knew what he was doing in the moment, regardless of how jacked he was about the particular moment. Clearly his intent was not to injure, but it was to be loud and heard about wanting the ball in an aggressive manner.

Mistake seems like the wrong word for what happened, but it isn’t some outrage inducing grievance, just hopefully something he will reflect on and be able to approach differently if the situation arises again.

It’s called having a girlfriend in love with Taylor swift. :grin:


You know nothing of their relationship and are making a judgement on 1 action where you don’t know the context. Both participants have said it was not a thing so why are you still trying to make it a thing?

BREAKING: Matt Gaetz



Is Lucy going to yank the football this time? Do we got him?

I think the list of proof we need to finally get Matt Gaetz is longer than the list Dave Chappelle needed to find R. Kelly guilty

This seems to be confusing two things, his job and his marital status.

Women are property to be used, goddammit.


Maybe (probably not), but he’s in a district that’s like Trump +30, so his replacement would be just as horrible politics-wise.

lol the Lawbros assured me he was going to jail like 3 years ago when his fellow pedo drug addict flipped on him


Hey smart guy, someone replied to me days later.

I’m not saying it negates Kelce body of work. In that moment he was displaying toxic masculinity.

If you think putting hands on someone in anger/being fired up isn’t toxic masculinity you view things differently than me. That is ok.

We all have a societal responsibility for watching football too. They are gladiators and I understand emotions run high.

Maybe I should frame it this way, if Bosa did the same thing to his coach how would you all feel?

I mean this with the upmost respect but you don’t understand what it means if you think talking about art and crying mean you can’t display toxic masculinity in other situations.

What specific behaviour have they done that shows they are toxic?