GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman


I hope Missouri Dems have a modern-day Anson Burlingame.

Who’s an edgy little Missouri Senator?

tee hee I am!


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If Republicans sweep all three bodies of government again I think Democrats should force them to pass their own budget without Democratic votes and let Americans take their medicine.


Makes you think.

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2019 Taylor confirmed not liberal

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I like the sign. (Dude needs to work on his punctuation, though)

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My kid is involved in an academic research project that has a conspiracy theory component, and he just sent me this study that indicates that conservatives are more likely to share conspiracy theories after being corrected. Because of course they are.


We used supervised machine-learning techniques to examine ideological asymmetries in online rumor transmission. Although liberals were more likely than conservatives to communicate in general about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings (Study 1, N = 26,422) and 2020 death of the sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein (Study 2, N = 141,670), conservatives were more likely to share rumors. Rumor-spreading decreased among liberals following official correction, but it increased among conservatives. Marathon rumors were spread twice as often by conservatives pre-correction, and nearly 10 times more often post-correction. Epstein rumors were spread twice as often by conservatives pre-correction, and nearly, eight times more often post-correction. With respect to ideologically congenial rumors, conservatives circulated the rumor that the Clinton family was involved in Epstein’s death 18.6 times more often than liberals circulated the rumor that the Trump family was involved. More than 96% of all fake news domains were shared by conservative Twitter users.


Pushback just proves they’re onto something.


Lol I figured it would skew conservative but didn’t expect it to be this lopsided

I have some questions.

How come “druggies” was the only one not to get an apostrophe?

What is a Bahi? Wiki sez it’s a region in Tanzania.

Are the last three all one thing? High Fallutent Sophisticated Swine Sports Nuts? (sorry, “Nut’s”) WTF is this? Or maybe those are three separate things.

Everyone is a sinner, right? So aren’t all people liars?

High Fallutent is supposed to be highfalutin, I assume.

“Thieve’s” has me cracking up. Also “Emo’s”

AI couldn’t have hit this one more on the nose. What do you want to bet this guy ranted about Dems being pedophiles and human traffickers?


I don’t get why it became a trend for MAGA guys to record these videos/selfies in their cars. Acoustics?

It’s been a pretty big youtube/TikTok trope of middle aged guys recording themselves in the car for a while

It’s the only place they can say their views without getting a shoe thrown at them.


Against racists and Scientologists Makes the whole list legit


well duh, all this woke shit-liberalism is making old people vote for nazis. if you are a sociologist in the early 21 hundreds and you are not clutching this particular academic pearl with everything you got, then what the hell are you even doing with your career?

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