GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

I’ve been told that sea lioning is bad


I saw a wild turkey in the forest the other day. Encountering wild animals out in nature is the best.

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I hike in the woods in a state natural area pretty regularly, plenty of deer, raccoons, etc. a lot of grey rat snakes, occasionally a cottonmouth (I’ve heard there are copperheads but haven’t seen one myself).

The first time I came across turkeys it kind of freaked me out, they’re much bigger than I would have expected. Only seen them three times.

The other day, the wolf river conservancy posted this:

we have a flock of wild turkeys that just roam our development and the golf course. They’ve been here for years. It’s just kind of accepted now. They are quite large.

Spokane has bands of wild turkeys that roam the streets. They are accepted as part of the city, and will cross streets with 0 regard for cars. They call it getting “turked”.

Some guy ran over one and I’m not sure he survived to tell the tale. Manhunt on facebook iirc.

I was taking a walk around the corner in my fairly busy suburb in Northern Virginia, and less than 15 yards in front of me, while walking on the sidewalk
along the edge of what’s maybe a half an acre of woods, I look up and see this right in front of me, except before I took the picture he was basically looking right at me (or past me).

I was actually a bit closer to him than this, since I moved off the sidewalk into the street to give him a wide berth. He looked pretty shredded for a deer, and I was afraid he might want to throw down.

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Walked by this critter earlier today.

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We regularly get deer in our backyard and then have a rabbit warren there as well. Occasionally we get these guys coming around to hunt the rabbits.


Went out for a run earlier this week and right in front of me a mother skunk crossed the road with 4 baby skunks trailing behind her.

Baby skunks are quite cute.


The National Conservativism conference

Though women’s roles are narrow here, they are still influential. Like Bovard, they can and do carve out public roles as natcons, just as women have always done within the broader right. Natcons know they need women, especially white women. They are a resource the men want to conserve for themselves.

During the question-and-answer period, a male college student wanted to know why they shouldn’t try to ban pornography for everyone and not just children. Morell said that starting with porn bans for children is more feasible and “builds momentum” for “furthering things down the road.”

A woman’s decision to keep or abort a pregnancy in “large part comes down to the man, the father involved,” Waters told one attendee. The idea that a woman may not want children for her own, independently formed reasons seemingly didn’t occur to the panelists. She had only the two options: to be a nursemaid at home or a scold to discipline others. When women “who control sex value it too cheaply,” men have no reason to marry them, Talento added. For natcons, women have little worth outside sex and reproduction.

Though Wilson shares that belief with Mohler, he arguably takes it several steps further than the Southern Baptist theologian. Heterosexual sex “cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party,” Wilson wrote in his book Fidelity: What It Means to Be a One-Woman Man. “A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts.”

The ultimate success of national conservatism may depend on women: the ones who already believe, and the ones they come to control. They didn’t invent “Biblical femininity,” but here, the sentiment feels like a threat.

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Skunks and foxes and possums and racoons are adorable. This little guy lived in my barn for a while.


Turkeys are absolute morons. Over here they gather in large numbers in the road and are very slow to move out of the way, even if you creep up on them slowly and blare the horn. I’ve seen a couple drivers just assume they’ll move out of the way like other birds and not slow down. The results are fairly catastrophic, for both the turkeys and the car.

I have one that likes to hop the fence into my yard, then run back and forth along the fence line acting like its trapped. It will do this for a while until you chase after it, then it flies off like nothing happened. It’s weird.


Benjamim Franklin was right.


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today I learned turkeys can fly.

Also looking at google images I remember all the wild turkeys I’ve seen having really long legs and none of those on google.

They forget they can fly.


Hiking just outside Boulder I came across part of a deer leg sitting in the middle of the trail as a warning I can only suppose, and another time came around a corner in a trail and saw this guy hanging out off the trail:

I backed the hell up and called it a day, letting the folks I passed on the way down about the bear spotting.

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So they really do s*** in the woods.


If it’s
Brown, lay down
Black, fight back
White, good night

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