GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

The animation is surprisingly good which is better than Adam Criolla’s cartoon

I made it like 40 second in, but it’s funny how the woke liberal characters in these conservative cartoons seem mostly chill while the Real American grandpa character bitches about life nonstop. I haven’t seen All in the Family in a long time, but wasn’t it the liberal meathead guy who was the annoying scold?

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Yeah he was hotheaded and kind of annoying.

I have it on good authority that this show is the funniest thing ever.

The authority:


I long for the days that the name Ben Garrison was unknown to me.


I just have a shitty memory.

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Ted yoho trolled into recording his own podcast with two fake parler executives.


That comedian’s YouTube channel is great. He and is buddies used to sue each other so they could get on court shows.


That was somehow even worse than I was expecting.


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Wow, I watched that. To authentically* enjoy that, you have to both a) be really dumb, b) have close to zero sense of humor, and c) be really closely in tune with whatever is currently the most popular to-the-right media of Fox.

It’s also really ugly.

*meaning, I guess, that you laughed semi-organically?

The writers knew what they were doing on that show. No one wants to watch a TV show about smug liberals constantly dunking on Archie Bunker, they want characters who are goofy and dumb but basically likable.


Oh so it’s going to be wildly popular.


And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

It’s on us if we force them to kill us.


I love how liberals running universities, which has always been the case, somehow extends to “the left taking over all of our institutions”. Not a leap there at all. Masters of logic and reasoning these guys.

Weird how they ignore Rothbard’s other ideas.