GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

It’s just so shameful, but they don’t have the capacity to be embarrassed. I couldn’t cuck myself out like that if my boss tripled my salary or any amount of money really

Looking good Chuckface


This 100%.



Bit obv really. You teed that one up.

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“Hunt “does not maintain a campaign office,” and he decided the Oak Room membership fees “would be a more prudent use of campaign funds” than renting a Houston campaign office, the lawyers wrote.“


Gotta admire the balls on their shamelessness. Can’t afford a campaign office so I’ll just run my campaign from this nice country club I found.

we got em

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how is having some dipshit laughing the whole time improving this shut the fuck up bitch


If you don’t do that it’s not (arguably) fair use, and are more likely to get taken down. And yes, these type of videos suck.

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Warning, aggressively not funny


I am getting very close to the point where I can’t tell what the joke is anymore. Had to go to the Norm twitter account to figure it out, still not 100% tbh. Getting old is terrible

Pretty harsh condemnation of South Park that their show is now the gold standard for conservative humor.

I mean, I’m 97% sure that is a joke at both South Park and conservatives? Please tell me I’m right about this.

It’s just stupid people and bad writers trying to be funny and failing. No need to think any deeper.

I tried to watch some south park a while back and made it about 30 seconds into cartman identifying as a strong black woman or something. Hilarious I’m sure.

South park was often funny because it showed Cartman being the obtuse guy who was wrong. Taking a concept, getting it wrong and running with it, just like a lot of the right does now.

So this show appears to be 100% Cartman, but without the irony.

It strikes me as an animated version of that conservative comic strip illustrator that labels everything and tries to pack every single grievance into every drawing.

If this show is actually on the level I swear I will tie a bowling ball to my belt and walk into the ocean.

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