GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Thanks. I’d never heard of it.

I thought it was from this:




Not even a barber or stylist will talk to that person


Didn’t really know where else to put this

Lots of insanity in here.

Even more farcical was the manner in which group chat members portrayed themselves as rightful guardians of democracy, even as they proposed employing military force against their unarmed domestic political opponents and rounding up members of the “global cabal” for trial at a Nuremberg-style tribunal. It’s blazingly evident that many in the group can’t even define democracy, and those who can don’t like it.

Dallas real estate developer Scott Hall informed the group he was moving his family to the UAE, which is ruled by an authoritarian monarchy, because “freedom is real” there. When President Gustavo Petro, Colombia’s first leftist president, was running for office two years ago, the rural oligarch Sergio Araujo Castro publicly declared that his employees “have the right to vote freely for whoever they want,” but he’d fire any who supported Petro. After protests against the Biden administration’s support for Israel’s assault on Gaza erupted at Stanford in January, Goldhorn wondered how it was legal that students who took part weren’t summarily expelled as they received benefits from the U.S. government, but “[wished] for its destruction,” which he evidently equated with criticism of its policies.

Barnett, who once worked for Blackwater, said participants in the group chat “love the country and want good solutions” and that he was not an ideologue and favored “checks and balances, and transparency.” A “centrist who leans libertarian” and Barack Obama voter in 2008, Barnett said the 9/11 attacks seven years earlier were an “inside job 100 percent,” and that they “woke me up” and triggered the political evolution that led to his current “conspiracy observationist perspective.”

Barnett said he was a Trump fan in part because “the establishment hates” the former president, adding that the Russiagate scandal that led to his first impeachment had been cooked up by Democrats as part of a politically motivated attack to drive him from office. (An opinion I share.) When I told Barnett his remarks about the need for a new Nuremberg tribunal sounded like a call for an attack of the same type but against enemies of the group chat, he said he didn’t favor a politically driven kangaroo court but envisioned a scrupulously fair judicial process that “truly enables our country to move forward,” which could be ensured by establishing panels with impartial experts such as journalist Matt Taibbi, psychologist and commentator Jordan Peterson, and others of similarly “high integrity” to help determine who would be prosecuted.

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Hey, yo.



To me.

Buy a house from me.


Jesus, wtf. That was a pretty disturbing read.

Yeah - fucked up insight into how right-wingers in the halls of power really think.

It’s all projection with these people and what they’re really telling us is the methods that would work in trying to stop them.

Unspool the thread bruh

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The problem is that the thread doesn’t provide anything about what the median voter does want, it just says that if you, an informed person, likes something the median voter probably doesn’t and that seems plainly not true. I get the idea of thinking that if you follow politics you’re probably weird and you should take that into consideration, and that’s fine.


I’m not thinking we hate their children. Their children hating them though? Seems quite possible.


yeah she just totally flops with the slightest pushback

the problem is that I don’t remember her talking to a lot of non-redpilled US journalists.

Didn’t watch but I bet she wasn’t humiliated in the least. If you have no shame you can’t be shamed, ezgame.


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