GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Lock his ass up until he can be deported I guess


I really think some of these people are legit masochists who enjoy being publicly shamed and humiliated. She gets absolutely torched on one show and gets right back on another to go thru it all again. Sheā€™s gotta know sheā€™s getting the same questions but is no more better prepared. Just same dumb answers that make her look like a fool hoping her publicist is booking her for another one!

Klass was born in Canada, his mom was Canadian, but his father was American, born and raised in New York. Klass said his family moved to the U.S. when he was two and stayed here. As Klass got older, he assumed he, too, was an American, a dual citizen.

Iā€™d love to hear this guyā€™s thoughts on a certain former Presidentā€™s citizenship status.


Based on the tweet posted by devil, it looks like it was:

Somehow I think this part would be handled very differently if he was Mexican rather than Canadian


Truly in the image of Trump.

Thomas Link, 59, who owns a small excavating business, was hired to perform some work for Justice-owned businesses in 2021. People told him he would regret doing business with the Justices, but, he said, he was approached by the governor himself. Several months later, Mr. Link was broke.

ā€œā€˜I told you soā€™: thatā€™s all I heard,ā€ he said.

On April 24, after a year and a half of litigation, the Justice company settled with Mr. Link, agreeing to pay him a fraction of the hundreds of thousands he says he was owed. The company defaulted on the first settlement payment.

Adam Carolla just crashed a car into a giant pile of right-wing elephant shit, got out, and covered himself in it at some point. Iā€™m pretty sure his wife left him over it. I used to love that guy. You used to be beautiful man


Kimmel did blackface and somehow ended up as the less problematic host of The Man Show.


We donā€™t have a general douchebag thread so Iā€™ll drop this here. I got a few laughs out of it.


This clip has good stuff, last few secs is best


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Our 8 yo has a friend whose of Indian descent, parent from India kid is born here. I was absolutely aghast listening to her talk to my wife a week ago where she was saying how sheā€™s actively - and explicitly, to even the kid! - attempting to keep the kid indoors during the warm months so kid doesnā€™t tan and become darker. Was like shameless and she spouted off about this.

Damn near made a scene over it but bit my tongue. Probably shouldnā€™t have. IDK.


Iā€™ve encountered this same thing. Itā€™s crazy on multiple levels.

The whole thing reminds me of Gandhi during his racist phase when he lived in Africa. The dude was completely unabashed in his racism towards Black Africans. To him, there was nearly nothing worse than someone mistaking him for one of them.

I have also often wondered why that (keeping the kid indoors) is the solution. How about some sunscreen?

The best ā€œdefenseā€ Iā€™ve heard is something along the lines of ā€œWell, I personally donā€™t care, but there is a lot of racism out there, so ā€¦ā€

Yeah that wasnā€™t this. She was aesthetically interested in her kid remaining as pale as possible and lacked all semblance of self awareness as she just went on and on about this in a group of people she knew at best kinda well. Just fucking flabbergasting lol

Oh, thatā€™s way less bad than I thought. The ones Iā€™m thinking of do it because they think being black is inferior and they donā€™t want their kids to look like or be mistaken for that. Very dark skinned Indians can easily have darker skin than some black people.

If itā€™s just aesthetics thatā€™s fucked up but just a different kind of fucked up. How is that any different from white people going out and getting a tan because they think that looks better and being pale and pasty looks unattractive? I suspect you wouldnā€™t bat an eye at that.

Either way, why not just slap some good sunscreen on the poor kid and let him go out and get some fresh air?

As I understand this, in Asia itā€™s about not wanting to look like a laborer. See, eg, China and, I think, Japan.

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Yeah, thatā€™s kind of the same thing. Maybe call it bigotry rather than racism.

But the people Iā€™m thinking about live here, in the US. No one is really gonna think some Indian dude living in Cali is a laborer. Most menial thing might be a restaurant worker (and they are indoors all the time). The reason these people I am thinking of felt that a darker complexion was undesirable was straight up Gandhi-style racism. I did even have to guess, they would just flat out say it.

Maybe the same argument could be made about wanting to have a tan for white collar class in the U.S.

It shows that you have enough leisure time to lie around in the sun (at least before spray tans).

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Thereā€™s a difference between perceived attractiveness and flat out racism.

Of course, when they are raised in a culture where skin shade is everything, itā€™s a bit hard to blame the individual- itā€™s all they know.

Humanity has defined us vs them seemingly forever. Any reason to label ā€œotherā€ will do. If we are ever to survive ourselves as a species, we need to continue making progress in breaking this obsession.

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I used to be hardcore into Adam. From loveline to his radio show to the start of his podcast. But a few years into his podcast I had to bail. He has only gotten worse since then. He has a lot of fallen fans,