GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

this is 100% the thing

Trump hates dogs so maybe shes trying for that vp spot after all.


If she already thought the dog was untrainable, why did she bring it along on the hunt?

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Worst Republican canine scandal since 2012 when it was revealed that Seamus Rmoney was once strapped to the roof of the family station wagon for 12 hours until he crapped all over the back window.

It was after the failed hunt that she concluded the dog was untrainable. Ofc, Cricket may have felt it was her skills as a trainer that were inadequate. We’ll never know.


Thankfully West Virginia’s finest were there to quickly disperse this rabble

(just lying, cops only show up when the protesters are unarmed and un-nazi)

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Trump could shoot a human on 5th Avenue and still be elected president, but Noem shoots a dog on a farm in South Dakota and can’t even be put on the ballot as VP. America really does like dogs more than women!


two Americas :disappointed:

And Clarence Thomas gets the best of both worlds!

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Oh, i think plenty of cops showed up :wink:


I’m pretty sure Trump would catch more heat from his base from shooting a puppy on 5th Avenue than shooting a random Manhattanite.

i am not sure i like where this is going, but purely as a hypothetical, would trmp face any consequences if he killed a white rancher squatting on federal lands in south dakota?

Doubtful. They would just go with Antifa false flag. That doesn’t work with a puppy.

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Remember how you felt after the first time you watched Old Yeller? What is we could take that feeling and make it into a political candidate?

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The new politics is: whatever trump wants, the voters then want. Even if the voters previously would have hated it.

So if you wanna be vp, your audience is one weird dog-hating man


Except vaccines, and abortion


is it just counseling services? is the chaplain going to help kids schedule classes or something while pushing White republican jesus? i admit i know virtually nothing about what goes on in schools these days.

it would be kinda cool to sign up to help life counseling by being the local satanic temple representative, maybe i should look into that.