GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

imo they think if it triggers the libs it must be good.

She lost Catturd.

Can’t really picture Noem as Trump’s running mate after this, but if she is, I like Biden’s chances even more.

Trump hates dogs. Maybe that’s why she bragged about it. But I agree with you.

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I don’t think you need to be a dog person to have feelings about someone taking a young animal to a pit and shooting it in the head and treating it like a normal thing to do.

Even as a joke this damn ad makes me teary. Curse you, Sarah McLachlan

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Well I eat meat, and I know full well the suffering that animals face for that (beyond just the killing). There is no reason that I need to do it, but I do. Of course, I feel bad about that. This is in the same ballpark of badness for me.

As the owner of a hunting dog (pointer) this is just super sad. My guy naturally knows how to hunt (I don’t, but take him to field trails because he loves it). To think a dog probably had its happiest day only to be shot and killed is just so sad.

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Then, on the way home after the hunt, as Noem stopped to talk to a local family, Cricket escaped Noem’s truck and attacked the family’s chickens, “grabb[ing] one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite, then dropping it to attack another”.

Cricket the untrainable dog, Noem writes, behaved like “a trained assassin”.

When Noem finally grabbed Cricket, she says, the dog “whipped around to bite me”. Then, as the chickens’ owner wept, Noem repeatedly apologised, wrote the shocked family a check “for the price they asked, and helped them dispose of the carcasses littering the scene of the crime”.

Through it all, Noem says, Cricket was “the picture of pure joy”.

I’m all for the internet dunking on Noem. But this is a dog that has some problems and could go on to hurt more animals and possibly kids. This isn’t just some shitty gun-shy hunting dog that needs a home. It’s a hunting dog whose predatory instinct is out of control. It’s going to need some work and to be kept under close supervision. It’s the kind of dog that could eventually bite someone and have to be put down anyway.

yeahhh its one thing for it have happened. Its awful that she or someone “close” to her didn’t take the time or at least money to train the dog and they took the easy way out to deal with a “problem dog”. And problem goat, of course.

Its completely another thing to include the incident in your own fucking book voluntarily when no one knew about it. When you’re a politician. In an election year.

On the other hand it really does show that Kristi Noem is a just a simple farmer. A person of the land, even. Some would call her the common clay of the new west.


Yeah she’s nuts.

Suzzer just admit she makes it move a little.


Just Another Cinemaniac — coldpapernightmare: brosefvondudehomie: ...


hunting dogs rarely bite anyone, number of bite attacks on people by gun dogs are super rare. Even if poorly bred it could go to a farm(not necessarily a poultry one) and be super happy. Probably a contract to just give it back to the breeder who could find some guy on a rural property who would love it.

So you’re saying the dog could go live on a farm upstate?




My trumper brother is actively tweeting against noem being the vp candidate.

Maybe Noem is playing 4d chess and realizes that being Trump’s running mate isn’t a great career move

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I like dogs that don’t get shot in gravel pits.


As long as he doesn’t have chickens.