GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

You literally asked whether it’s a moral failing to fuck someone else against your partner’s wishes. Of course it is. You can either jerk it and stay, or leave them if you value someone else getting you off more. Both choices are moral. Option 3, fucking someone else against your spouse’s wishes, is immoral and wrong.

And, if you betray your spouse, the vast majority of people will be less inclined to vote for you. Silly and childish, imo.


If not old fashioned, then perhaps a bit too hung up on your own personal opinion

Sure, fidelity is one measure of character. But there are a lot of other ways to treat a spouse like shit. Fact is, you don’t know what someone else’s situation is, what they’re going thru, or what arrangements they might have. I prefer to view this as a mind your own business topic

I don’t disagree. In the land of politics though, it becomes our business to a certain extent when the press report on it. While it is possible for politicians to have open marriages it is rare and I would hope would either come out during the news frenzy. Does it matter if the cuckolded spouse maintains support for their partner after the news comes out? I don’t really know, it is hard to know how one would really react to a hypothetical.

Sure if the spouse is fine with it, by all means. But, public figures should expect being asked about it imo.

I’m willing to believe that this particular North Carolina gentleman was visiting his wife’s sister’s juice bar with full support from his wife, in which case go nuts have fun. I’d make an educated guess based on the actual human women I’ve personally interacted with, it’s probably extremely unlikely that his wife is cool with his elaborate fantasies about her sister.

This discussion should be moved to the “College Football 2024: Hail to the Cheaters” thread.


I don’t mean to belittle the subject. Personally, trust is a big issue for me and once someone betrays my trust they’re pretty much dead to me

I’m just saying there are all sorts of ways to mistreat a spouse. I don’t think physical or mental abuse is any more noble than cheating and is in fact worse

Again, we can’t know someone’s situation. Many people choose to stay in failed or loveless marriages for many reasons. The kids, affordability, careers, convenience, other family members, etc. So unless someone is bragging about their extra marital affairs, I choose to mind my own business and not make any rash judgements about them. That’s just me…

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I don’t disagree that abuse can be and likely is worse in many/most cases. My issue with marriage/relationship fidelity is it’s a betrayal of a person who is supposedly closest to you. If you can massively betray them, how am I to trust you as someone who is not as close to you.

Best case scenario is I am going to be on notice and more wary.

But you’re making an assumption that it’s a betrayal. I had a childhood friend who’s parents were in a loveless relationship. His mom would have guys pick her up at the house and his dad was okay with it. I can see how if you’re in the public eye (like a politician) you’d want to keep that discreet

I keep repeating that you just can’t know what other people are going thru. It’s possible that the one who’s stepping out isn’t even the bad guy

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Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I’m not saying cheating on someone is the worst thing that can be done in a relationship. I’m saying in the context of this discussion it is the most likely thing we’re going to learn about a couple. What happens between the people in a relationship is none of my business and we’d all probably be better off if such gossip never made it into the press. If you want to generalize I’d say that the way someone treats their spouse has a lot of impact on how I think about that person and whether I think they should hold a public office or not.

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I wouldn’t consider that cheating. We’re talking about classic the-other-partner-is-blind-sided-by-it cheating, not any kind of open or consensual whatchamacallit.

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Some folks in here twisting themselves into knots trying to defend all these hypothetical situations for married people fucking someone other than their spouses.

Sure, sometimes those situations happen where the spouse is aware and OK with it. More often than not though, it’s the other way.

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Is it more than one folk? I admit I haven’t been paying close attention.

Some people are listed twice. Whoever made this was just doing it off the top of their head.


Whatever Skillet is, its so good it’s there twice.

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Totally grown adult thing to do.

(Obviously no one in the East Bumblefuck county maintenance shed has their hands on a real Taylor Swift-signed guitar.)

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You should see what this guy would do to some trans-loving bud light merch.

They’re so resentful of any celebrities who abuse their privileged status to voice opinions about politics, completely disregarding the fact that they elected a reality tv star to be President after he had blabbed about various political issues for decades.

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Sad to see Swift’s target demographic turn on her like that

lol at these boomers obsessed with social media.