GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Yeah I saw this and I’m highly skeptical what Kelly was saying is anywhere near what actually happened. I’m in the Tri state area so get a lot of NY centered news and haven’t heard about any of this. Another reason I’m highly skeptical

It’s simple. Conservatives don’t like having icky conversations with their kids. Because the radical left doctrine being taught at schools educates children, those children then come home and ask mommy and daddy icky questions that they don’t want to answer. It’s just easier to remove them from the school and pretend it never happened to begin with.


Kindergarten external body parts lesson for Kelly: arm, hand, finger, middle.


Oh, you left out the part where Kelly was apparently complaining about her kindergartener having to write a letter to the Cleveland Indians complaining about their mascot. That’s probably just as important to her as transgender stuff.


Only response here is to add a new sign for every letter he receives. Next do something about trans rights, I bet the neighbor will love it.


I think a root cause there is that conservatives are psychologically terrified of complexity. They desperately want the world to be simple and direct because otherwise they are paralyzed with fear. In addition to their glee at establishing and then punching down at disadvantaged groups, they like to furiously stamp out ideas that make things more nuanced or uncertain or adaptive. Transgender issues are going to be a big deal for years to come.



those terrible crowds at the pride festivals lul

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Granted I’ve only been to pride events in SF, SD & MPLS, but the crowds are the opposite of terrible. It’s the most inclusive and express yourself/be yourself mass gathering of the year. It’s disappointing when I have to miss it. My two favorite weekends in SD are Pride and Comicon.


I’m a little skeptical of that broad claim, but at the same time it’s definitely possible that someone working the “Log Cabin Republicans” booth at Pride might get a talking to from some folks.



I wonder if Lauren and Nick know who they’re talking to?

I would wonder if shit like this would wake Richard up, but I already know the answer


shuffles deck is a meme used to mock calls of racism or bigotry on things as silly and absurd.

Quite frankly they are in many of those cases. Doesn’t stop those posting there from being bigoted shits.

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I’m declaring war if they stop publishing Green Eggs and Ham and Happy Birthday to You

It must really suck to knowingly vote for a party who’s members hate you and want you fucking dead.

What a goddamn moron (this can be interpreted as being directed at any of the people in that post)

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I going it particularly interesting that they spent a number of minutes on the left being embroiled in victim culture, that she refuses to be a victim and then complains about her kids being victims of the radical left teachers at the school

It’s why I’m so confused by Andrew Sullivan. A gay, Catholic Republican.

He seems too smart to be that stupid.

I mean, hes still a catholic, right? His cognitive dissonance has to be off the charts to still support that group

Dr. Seuss sucks.

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Abortion abortion abortion abortion



Thanks for the explanation. I think my problem was a combination of there being too many levels going on and I’m not “online” enough to recognize that as a meme.