GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

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The convention at Liberty, the Christian university well known for its affiliations with conservative causes, is to be held at 9 a.m. Republicans said convention delegates will be able to stay in their cars the entire time, possibly listening to proceedings on a radio broadcast.

They plan to use ranked-choice voting, so delegates would fill out one ballot and list their choices.

So, um, hurray for ranked-choice voting?

Couple of things about the OU receiver/holder who had the crap beaten out of him in a bathroom in Norman:

1 (insert your own OU joke here)
2 Was a transfer from…wait for it…Liberty University

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In a complete reversal of my previous opinion, MMA dudes were justified.

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LMAO wtf, and they let this dude off with no charges already right? JFC.

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They may as well have, he’s been charged with three misdemeanors.

Just goes to show that the only nearly foolproof way to kill someone and get away with it is to run them over in your car and claim it was an “accident”. At most you’ll get a couple months in jail, usually it’s just a fine and a licence suspension (if that).

He didn’t just walk. After the accident happened, he literally borrowed the sheriff’s personal vehicle to finish his drive home. He set out to return the vehicle with his chief of staff the next day, but on the drive to the sheriff’s house they stopped by the accident location and that is when they found the deceased just off the shoulder of the road.

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If those clowns in that state were serious they would be demanding appropriate criminal charges.

IIRC the guy was also blatantly drunk. Just a total travesty.

Many years ago there was a case here were a lady hit a guy and he embedded through the windshield into the passenger compartment and she drove home put her car in the garage as the guy died over the next couple days.

She was convicted of murder and got 50 years but it was pretty clear that was due to her leaving him in the windshield to die over several days in her garage not running over him.

As a society we are clearly terrified of appropriately charging any serious crimes involving our motor vehicles. It’s why DUI punishments are absurdly light.

Even cases where people clearly were trying to murder someone with their car become much more complicated because a car I’d involved.

I agree with the person above who says it is absolutely the best way to try and murder someone (if that’s your bag). There is almost no chance you will get a maximum murder penalty and it’s possible you can essentially get off.

He said he wasn’t drinking but he was at a GOP fundraiser.

Odds the police properly interviewed everyone at that function?

in other news, TUCKER has done some SERIOUS INVESTIGATING and it turns out qanon is a librul antifa hoax


Had to actually look at the video because I couldn’t believe (even for Tucker) that this was a word for word quote. I was wrong.


I think we might need a #RESISTANCE LIBRUL INSANITY thread

good news, they aren’t cages, they’re just FACILITIES (that the kids are not allowed to exit)


There was a super weird movie about this

If that’s his investigative standard, I can’t wait for him to investigate antifa.


Works great for the audience though, which is 65+ mush brained racists who don’t know how the internet works outside of facebook

They already found The Antifa