GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Lmao at the idea that this is straight news, great call

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If you have clips of her reading the straight news feel free to share

You have to watch it from the Reagan library!

I guess she’s getting cancelled now since there are zero guns in her Christmas card photo. Might as well scream “happy holidays”


Yeah I never said she was Shep Smith. Just that she does whatever their normal news anchors do. I assume, I don’t watch FoxNews. Basically I judge the level of crazy by how often someone appears on the Daily Show. Tucker, Hannity and Pirro are almost nightly. The morning guys show up all the time too.

You guys are doing that thing again where all things are simultaneously the worst thing ever and also worse than every other thing, unless we’re discussing the other thing, then that is the worst thing ever. Nothing can ever be less bad.

I really don’t give a shit about Harris Faulkner. Just saying I had a crush on her 25 years ago and now she’s a Fox anchor. She’s clearly not a rebel like Shep Smith, so I assume she’s just a bog-standard terrible FoxNews anchor.

Also her Christmas cards seemed fine?

There’s a big multi-poster discussion going on on this, like I’m stanning for Faulkner. I’m sure watevs made some slam, and DodgerIrish made a snarky joke about the Reagan library from something I said a year or two ago. So get over yourself it’s not 100% about you.

Please define the exact bad post that I made. I said I assume she’s a typical relatively straight FoxNews anchor. I never said or implied FoxNews anchors were anything but terrible as a group. You guys took that ball and ran with it.

I feel like some of you don’t understand how FoxNews works. They have their batshit crazy pundits, and then their supposedly straight news. Literally the only thing I meant is that she’s on the supposedly straight news side. Although I guess she has her own show now, so maybe she’s delving into batshittery.

I think the local Fox News anchors are noticeably less horrible than the national clowndicks like Jesse Waters, et al.

You’re allowed to want to bone a batshit crazy Republican.

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It was an inside joke (and completely analogous to this), be able to laugh at yourself bro.

I’m ~never snarky.

Yeah, I thought you were saying Fox’s straight news was straight news. It is also shit, but just not as crazy as the opinion hosts and the morning morons.

ffs, can noone tell me what’s happening in the second picture without spinning into a foxnews anchor rabbit hole?

also, show me a “bog-standard fox news anchor” and i’ll show you a terrible journo.

I think everyone here understands soft and hard propaganda.

Well, almost everyone. (That’s snark.)

Anyway, sorry, I wasn’t trying to pile on.

Just make a joke that fit and I thought you took the situation in fun prior.

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Womp womp.



Depends if they are Sinclair or not. Some are bought in. Some seem like they are hostages reason ransom demands.

This is an emergency Christmas Day warning



My favorite word association is:


this is hilarious of course. trmp is out there trying to take credit for three vaccines that are probably going to get the nobel, and his own base won’t let him.

it is chef’s kiss!

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