GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Ha, I don’t see an ‘r’ either.

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“at Fort Pelosi in Washington D.C.”

:rofl::rofl::rofl: god this dipshit is such a whiny little bitch.

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Abraham Lincoln touched me inappropriately when I was a boy.


hey 3rd amendment shoutout from Rep Butthead

Disgusting on multiple levels.

Can we get just one of these assholes indicted pls

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Even if this isn’t true, this is the sort of shit that needs to be whispered around until everyone just assumes it’s true.

Nice folks, Giuliani and Bannon.

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Bannon was even disgusted. He wasn’t laughing at all.

Truly shocked Rudy hasn’t been me too’d yet.

This guy is quickly becoming the most punchable person on earth.

He’s dumber than the fake dumb people in idiocracy.


Dems are the virtue signalers though.


I was thinking someone needs to a parody of her having a zoom meeting and the guns keep accidently going off until they’re all popping off like a lit brick of black cats behind her


he didn’t love freedom tho, so it’s expected?


There is a at least some evidence that both Cruz and DeSantis are actually of substantially above average intelligence. It’s something that breaks my brain, but I’ve come to accept it. Hawley would be another good example.

So even when the best and brightest do run, we can easily wind up with evil dipshits.

“Care to share any personal memories of this heroic icon of your political movement?”

“This one time we were playing golf with a totally hot chick and her underwear was inadvertently exposed to us and I was like ‘nice’ and then he was like ‘nice’.”

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Disagree. Empathy is a prerequisite for intelligence. Being book smart with a degree doesn’t make you intelligent. Stick a guy like Cruz in the middle of the Amazon rain forest, alone, with no supplies, and he’s as smart as your dog. Actually, your dog would fare better.

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Yeah, well, you know, that’s just like uh, your opinion, man.

I don’t think that is an unreasonable way to view intelligence. But I don’t think that is what everyone or even most people mean when they say someone is “intelligent”.

How does empathy help here?