GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Absolutely no accountability and no consequences. Ever. EVER.

Let me guess. The pedestrian shouldn’t have been on the highway.


Entering a cage rather than wear a mask lol.


We should follow the lead and put all republicans in cages. :grin:


Hell, if it was a protestor he’d have gotten an award.



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lol Madison Cawthorn.


I’m sure the Pope will take Rep. Cawthorn’s concerns will all due seriousness.


I totally believe in his sincere support for worker’s rights.


Hitler selfie dude trying to convert Jews to Christianity now advising the Pope on Vatican law.


Oh no! That’s unconstitutional. We must enforce the constitution on… * checks notes * …the Vatican?

Madison is one of the dumbest reps in government, and that’s really saying something in the era of maga Margerie.

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Is there some requirement that you have to be a moron to run/be elected for office in rural redneck towns? I’m guessing the application for candidacy looks like this?

___ I attest under penalty of law that I am a fucking moron and wholly unqualified for this position.


He’s probably right. There’s a restaurant near me, Lola, which attracts a lot of wealthy Covid migrants from the north east, because it has a sister restaurant in the Hamptons or something like that. Anyway, I’ve been there a handful of times and ever fucking time I’ve heard someone down here from the northeast marveling at how he has handled the pandemic.

On top of that, he will have “credibility” as being pro environment, because of what he has done on with blue green algae.

Is Vatican a town in Georgia? What is he talking about? The state of Vatican City? He is familiar with all of Vatican City’s laws? What a weird hobby.

This is a little brother commejt when they are 7 and don’t know how anything works. “THAT’S ILLEGAL!”

If you ever watch 1980s movies you will see that the local businessman is the one in charge and the elected officials are just dumb pawns.

Really though, we almost never get our best and brightest running for any political office. As you get closer to the root that becomes more and more evident.

This tweet is 100% hitting it’s intention of pandering to the anti-vaxxers. Libs making fun of him on twitter probably helps amplify the signal a ton.

Either his wiki page was defaced or his disability affects his writing and spelling.

Cawthorn attended Patrick Henry College during the fall 2016 semester to study political science, but dropped out after one semester and earning mostly D grades. He said his grades were low primarily because his injuries had interfered with his ability to learn.

Is it cool with Patrick Henry College to be listed as his alma mater when he dropped out after one semester?

And not to disparage Political Science, but do they hit people with a bunch of doorkeeper courses in the first semester?

If that’s his real signature than he definitely thinks “u” and “double u” are interchangeable, thus confirming that he is a moron of epic proportions.

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