GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

What? Do you think they somehow weren’t in control these past four years?

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I think Trump took everyone by surprise and isn’t a functional adult. If you own a decent size chunk of the status quo there’s no possible positive way to spin the Trump presidency. You are now much closer to the cliff of something really breaking systemically that endangers your chunk of the status quo than you were before he took office.

You think the Koch brothers are happy with the Trump era? Really? With oil trading where it is right now?

Look you got to 6 supreme court justices and a lower tax bill… but the whole system, which you benefited from quite a bit the way it was, has been hugely degraded. Plus your bare ass is hanging in the wind… and the millenials and gen z were already poor so there’s nothing to really take from them other than wasted time unemployed. You also got your second massive bailout in a 12 years so it’s probably going to be tough to sell Atlas Shrugged to even white kids this next couple of decades.

Say what you want about Trump he really clarified things. It’s pretty obvious what the GOP is at this point and it’s pretty obvious what the eDems are at this point. The curtain is up and there is no wizard just some scared old boomers who aren’t sure why their email isn’t working. The lobbyists have been doing literally all of the actual work for the last 20+ years.


There’s a long history of elites not caring at all about the system breaking completely in favor of short-term gain. They’re not any smarter now than they were before the French Revolution. You are rather naive if you think the billionaires gaf about the US collapsing into a failed state.


G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North both had successful, high profile careers, not to mention having their felony criminal convictions wiped away.

Some of them sure. Trump is a stupid rich person, and there are plenty more where that came from.

The Trump era demonstrated the folly of that I think. Obviously I want blood, as do most of you I assume. But the biggest reason I want blood is that I want the next Trumpian ‘strong man’ to have to ask himself if it’s worth losing everything for if he fails.

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Biden so far is very quietly signaling that there will be investigations and prosecutions. His chief of staff went on TV today and said as much. I think you may be pleasantly surprised by attempts at accountability.

I’m not entirely sure how pardons work, but even if Trump issues blanket pardons for everyone, I believe that means they are no longer entitled to 5th amendment protection - I’ll leave it to practicing lawbros to speculate whether that matters.


It does, but prosecutors lose the leverage of their actual crimes to get them to talk.

The interesting thing about creative pardons is they have never been tested in court. They might hold up, but they might not.

I mean with the aftermath of election day there really is no way they can let these people walk is there? I mean the message it would send about what’s acceptable. I mean the shit they’ve been doing is just on a totally different level than what was already an unsustainable corruption level in Washington.

I mean the shenanigans with Trump properties alone. Probably bribes. Probably treason. Colluding with foreign powers? I mean there was no bottom and Trump doesn’t say no to anything. We have no idea what happened, but I fully expect the shredder trucks to show up at the WH before the end.

Right now one of the best things for the country would be to give Trump a fair trial for his many many many crimes. It’ll get great ratings, but we really need to rip away the facade and let everyone see what was beneath. He needs to be ritually humiliated and then thrown into a tiny box to scream at the walls until he dies. Anything else and the chances this happens again approach 100% in my lifetime.

Oh and this goes for his entire family, and as many of his enablers as we can get too.

This is why I think Moscow Mitch screwed up. With all these shenanigans going on, Trump is basically forcing Biden to be tough on him. I mean shit, even Fox News said Biden won. Just take the loss and regroup for 2022 and 2024. But Mitch wants to stay in power so he needs GA special elections for that.

How? If OAN turns on him the cult will just go to Fuck Your Feelings Network.

I’m no more worried about OAN than I am about Parler. It’s a low budget wanna be competitor to Rupert Murdoch. I don’t like their odds. Whoever makes that place work can just be hired and warehoused at Fox.

Speaking of Parler, maybe we should make accounts…


I just got one. The first thing I saw that made me laugh out loud is that picture of Michelle hugging W from behind that everyone on our side got pissed off about… They’re pissed too but the other way for the same reasons.

I actually think that everyone interested in our little project probably SHOULD get Parler accounts. We need to be fluent in how the other half speaks and thinks. I think we really need to start cataloguing their phrases and their deeper context and meaning so we can figure out how to use them. Additionally it’s probably not a bad idea for us to all start building organic reach in these communities so that we can test stuff for free.

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Regrettably, I agree.

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I just hope all you bros with the Parler accounts are actively encouraging this stay at home and don’t vote stuff in the most effective way possible.


I’m taking it pretty seriously lol. They actually have the Trump campaign hit you with a donation request when you first create an account if you follow the recommended accounts. Incredible.

Is it like Facebook for deplorables?

No it’s much more narrowly political content wise. Absolutely nothing but straight up right wing echo chamber from what I’m seeing.

What’s extra interesting is the sites whose links they are sharing. I’m not linking them here because I don’t want to help them algorithmically… but they’re interesting structurally.

This site wouldn’t survive 10 seconds of Mark Zuckerburg trying to shut it down by the way. Absolutely no way.

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