GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I’d like to believe these people believe this shit as a way of coping with a cruel world but really they’re just complete fucking morons.

Believing that the world is orderly and controlled by sinister forces is actually more comforting for these people than believing that chaotic events shape the world.

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Certainly Tucker will point out that none of those groups are complete idiots.

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I hope you’ll join me in dunking on the UP “they’re in on it” brigade.


Adam Serwer’s essay on Farrakan is good about this. Farrakan is a reactionary conservative nationalist who conservatives would love, if he weren’t black.

MTG def opting for “Christain”.



loooooool, this guy is going to be so disappointed with Minsk

Capitol rioter Evan Neumann applies for asylum in Belarus, local media says

MOSCOW — A man who allegedly participated in the Capitol riot Jan. 6 and is wanted by the FBI is now seeking asylum in Belarus, the country’s state media reported Monday, presenting him as a “simple American whose shops were burned by Black Lives Matter activists.”

Evan Neumann, who appears to have sat down for an interview with Belarusian state television in a segment titled “Goodbye, America,” is wanted in the United States on charges of violent entry and disorderly conduct on the Capitol grounds, as well as for assaulting, resisting and obstructing law enforcement during civil disorder.

a young man’s strange, erotic journey from maryland to minsk


Thanks for running the Attack on Titan theme for me.

Didn’t see that coming. I guess they’re both concerned about Jewish space lasers.

Marjorie Taylor Greene providing oversight….puke…

e) all of the above

Reported. Can’t believe it’s still up.

Unable to reply to tweet. Fuck you seems appropriate.

I was once at an AYCE in redneck central Florida and someone in the restaurant literally had a heart attack while I was there. Everyone kept stuffing their faces and nobody cared.

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I’ve seen multiple people die in poker rooms. People do talk about it, though, as soon as their pleas to get the cards back in the air are heard. “Dead man, dead hand” jokes keep the deceased’s memory alive.