GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Violence is not only necessary, It’s the point.

Some people only understand the language of violence, so you need to beat their heads in to get them to behave.

In reality, for the R side, cruelty is the point. Poors are poor because they are weak, they are lesser, it’s Gods natural order. Violence is a tool of cruelty.

I advocate being cruel to Republicans. And enjoying it.

I was on the phone with my insurance company (some call center somewhere) and somehow the conversation led to me admitting I was a retired journalist. She informed me that she only watches unbiased sources now like OAN and Newsmax and she reads the Epoch Times. We are so hopelessly fucked. The brainwashing reaches pretty damn deep. Its amazing.

Amazingly every Republican quoted in the New York Times is a very reasonable person who is just having a hard time getting over Joe Biden’s extreme liberalism.


i want to break the cycle of cruelty and violence

Maybe it’s inherent in the human condition.


He’d love to have a skateboard as evidence, but since he doesn’t have one, he’ll just bullshit you about what they are?

I think he means “looter” or “rioter”.


Was this the person who was shot?


Oh shit, I wanna see their sourcing for this. Is there video? Is it some shitty B movie like Sleepaway Camp 3?

Exhibit A: Skate or Die!


Saving the world for wage slaves everywhere

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Roll in the VCR for Kids footage from 1995.

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I read the Readers Digest version of The Good Earth. The truck scene must have been heavily edited.


Haven’t seen any updates on the most important news story of the day:

Has JFK Jr made an appearance on the grassy knoll yet?

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