GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

If it’s not related to his official duties, there is still an interest in having the Supreme Court say so and establish precedent. On that point alone, I am happy to see this case work through the system. Its conclusion will tell us whether we can make Trump miserable with other lawsuits.

And the fact that the district court may well have reached the right conclusion in the Carroll case (and I think it probably did, at least in concluding that the president did not fall under the definition of an “employee” under the Westfall Act) changes nothing about the importance of the Justice Department playing its proper role in the U.S. legal system by asserting all valid legal arguments that support its client’s interests. And in this case, the “client” is not Donald Trump but the presidency (including all current and all future presidents) and all federal officials and employees who might someday have a reason to say something to the press and get sued for what they said.

i don’t know what you mean by too far. i don’t think the left will need an armed insurrection at the capitol, but i could be wrong. i think armed labor strikes and barricades will probably happen, like standing rock but somewhere a lot more visible. we haven’t even had much of the left mass-protesting over actual stolen elections, like florida 2000, or ohio 2004. afaik, the left didn’t even protest florida denying former felons the right to vote. don’t you think the left should try that before grabbing guns?

i think the US will need lustrations, is that too far? i’m guessing it is for a lot of merrick-garland types, but i think republican party leadership should be barred from office for a number of years. other countries employed it to varying degrees of success, usually after essentially finding blatant, persistent unlawful acts and abuses of power. most of the time it wasn’t total bans for everyone associated with parties (e.g. nazis or soviets), but all upper management was essentially forced to give up their posts, and a separate process was started for individuals for reinstatement. sometimes lustrations lasted 5-10 years, a lot less frequent they were lifetime.

with respect to corruption, USA needs similar limits on holding public office.

We got her!

I literally cannot think of a single time anything actually happened to any politician for campaign finance violations or ethics violations.

I guess Bob Packwood would count for ethics violations.

But that was back in the 90s. He’d be a star if he had been born 30 years later.

Ted Stevens got convicted but it was overturned and nothing happened.

There was a LA Democrat (Jefferson) who got got but I think that was straight up bribery.

Donald Trump paid off his mistress with campaign funds and lied about it, tough to take any of this seriously.

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Duncan Hunter was sentenced to 11 months, but then Trump pardoned him.

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Lol, luciferase is apparently a real thing that actually does have to do with bioluminescence. Maybe she’s on to something! :astonished:

Edit: looks like this is old news and got fact checked to death back in April. I guess Emerald didn’t do her research.

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The crazy thing is not that they think JFK Jr is alive, but they all believe JFK Sr is still alive?

We have like 20% of the country that meets the clinical criteria for serious mental illness, if not more. This is completely incomprehensible.


A couple of years ago a woman who was the mother of a friend of a friend ended up at my house to pick something up. We had never met, she seemed perfectly pleasant and reasonable for the first few minutes. Then she started talking about chemtrails.

Yeah, originally isolated from fireflies and quite valuable in biochemistry research because it can make your sample light up when your experiment worked. Obviously silly to think anyone would put it in a vaccine or that it can harm you or that it has anything to do with Satan.


Yeah I never heard of it.

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speak of the devil


30% of GOPers think violence is necessary

82% think 2020 election was stolen

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My favorite Facebook post of 20021:



Fun fact

In my intro 301 micro course there was a question regarding bioluminescence on a test. There was much whining that it wasn’t in the lecture or reading. Until Dr U pointed out it was in a photo caption in the textbook.

Had him later for physiology. Only 9 of us in the class. He was great there. Total Socratic method. Do the reading and be prepared to lead the lecture every day. He would toss the chalk/marker to that days victim.

Quizzes were to draw entire pathways with regulation etc. you got credit for how much you knew.

My pathway knowledge has been a huge help over my career.


Not enough Democrats think that violence is necessary to protect us from Republicans who think violence is necessary.

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