GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Obesity, it’s probably top 10


Better than top ten, NUMBER 1.

Literally is the worst state by a wide margin.


Ist actually links to the country of Georgia:


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I’m going to MGM in Biloxi in Jan, that will be my first Mississippi visit

I’m sorry

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Out for walk with wife just now, pass a woman in her 50s and 10 year old kid, woman wearing a “lets go brandon” shirt, what’s the right move? Wife of course says “say nothing” but that’s no fun.

Just be like “yeah fuck joe Biden! Fuckiest president that ever fucked!” right in front of the 10 year old


That kid likely hears this stuff every single day.


get to degen it up, watch playoff football and eat seafood I’ll be ok. I won’t be exploring the fine state of Mississippi though, probably won’t leave the casino

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republicans hurting themselves for political expediency

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Oh god. Its fucking gross half his audience is under 16

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I don’t that’s a real tweet.

yeah the clue is in the subreddit name

I would like to see the data on his audience though. I would think a huge chunk of them is under 18. He exudes just unbelievable fake masculinity that even grow trumpers would think is lame. Plus older Trumpers definitely aren’t watching a ton of youtube. It’s the like 14-34 crowd.

Kinda scary he has like 6 million subscribers.

Speaking of, this animation of Crowder freaking out about Sam Sedar surprising him for a debate was kinda cool. Dude was shook as fuck and chose the absolute worst way to handle it.


Yeah super weird but awesome. The gun going limp is perfect.

Makes more sense if you actually watched the interview. Crowder is legit terrified of Sam. Crowder was supposed to do the interview the day before but sam’s show didn’t go on air so crowder dad called and cancelled the interview because they were watching Sam’s stream and we’re worried about this exact thing happening.

So Sam pre recorded the episode and aired it at the normal times and tricked crowder.

Crowder even confirmed it lol