If this is where the goalposts have been moved to just give me a waaf banner now.
good lord I miss out on all the gravy trains
Or is it fake in an attempt to generate sympathy?
Crisis actor IMO.
Jesus works in mysterious ways.
I can’t even imagine what normal people from other countries think of this crap.
“No training is needed for deadly weapons” is a really weird brag.
Some good lessons here.
She got paid a fuckton of money to not accomplish anything.
It’s just absolute insanity this is happening and honestly I can’t think of anything these house members can really be hiding that would make them do it.
WTF are they hiding? Then again we were all certain Trump and company were hiding something really bad with Russia.
Suckers. Your letter has to say you HEREBY do not consent in order for it to be legally binding.
There was a dating site here which had a copypasta that people would put on their profiles that would say something like “Sydney University you DO NOT have permission to use this profile in your research, if you do it will be subject to legal ramifications”. It persisted for years and I never worked out whether any Sydney University study of dating profiles had ever actually existed. It was a good way to avoid meeting the sort of people who make pompous and pathetic legal threats purporting to retain control over the use of information they are voluntarily posting on the public internet.
I see the same one on FB from the Obama years and people will tell them it’s fake. “Just in case!”
The comments, good lord. This entire country is full of straight-up psychopaths.
We long ago learned Republicans can and will hold two directly contradictory positions at the same time.