GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Can someone explain to me why this Republican thinks we should be outraged?

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Surely nothing more than “Brown people bad, plz make wall.”

From the comments, it seems like he doesn’t know what seized means.

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I see the Mercers are still lighting their money on fire throwing it at the world’s shittiest people.

Think how much they’ve saved due to lax IRS enforcement.


FB & GBnews (Basically a Fox news America trial by our gammon) has invaded the UK…

Putting it here for more laughs :grin:

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The Trump loving nut job who left a very detailed and specific threat to murder a federal judge in the Flynn case got…18 months. Lol law every single time.

“We are professionals. We are trained military people. We will be on rooftops. You will not be safe. A hot piece of lead will cut through your skull. You bastard. You will be killed, and I don’t give a fuck who you are. Back out of this bullshit before it’s too late, or we’ll start cutting down your staff. This is not a threat. This is a promise.”


Lmao Jesus christ

I didn’t expect more than 8 months of jail time for insurrectionists, unless they’re on camera assaulting cops or something. Not sure what situations are comparable, but based on my cursory research, punishment for recent White House fence jumpers has ranged from no jail time to 17 months.

Plus they figured if they did a small shitty bill it would be way harder to get manchin and cinema on a big bill. Plus run out the clock.

They were definitely considering passing it until it became clear Dems were passing the reconciliation regardless and manchin and cinema would not move on filibuster reform.

I’m sure that was part on manchin gop donor visit

Not sure where this goes…maybe we need a general insurrection thread.

Is this motherfucker on EVERY committee?


He’s on the ones where his phony fake outrage at D’s is a big hit for the Fox crowd.

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I honestly don’t understand. Republicans pretty much universally opposed the reasonable bipartisan approach as “unfair and unbalanced”. Why do they get to participate in this committee at all?

Pelosi should just say “Hey Kevin McCarthy STFU, you had your chance. Now you and your treasonous idiot clowns can just stay out of our way.”

If the rules require Republican participation for this committee then LOL Dems as usual for not just changing the rules. And if they don’t then LOL Dems even harder.


Pelosi can and should reject these nominations and move forward without Republicans. It’s like putting Al Qaeda members on a 9/11 jury, pure lunacy.



I wouldn’t say democrats can’t govern so much ch as can’t play politics. Well unless you subscribe to them intentionally sucking.

I mean they choose awful shitlibs policies but they do ok at implementing


Why is this the first time I’m seeing this? Seems like this should be as common as Drake, or We Got Him, or This Is Fine,

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They’re great at politics and perfectly willing to play hardball when it’s time to shitcan progressives. They’re evil, just less evil than the other team.


OMG fuck this commission.

Dear Christ, this is just peak Dems.

Nothing of consequence is going to happen, and they’re going to pat themselves on the back so hard for doing it. It’s going to take up all the air time in every form of media for several months. Meanwhile, no action is taken on the nine thousand issues that would actually help people.

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