GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Assume those ellipses are doing a LOT of work

Oh, they are.

Facebook needs to be straight up nuked. It is so evil.

the screenshot mouse pointer is just lmao perfect

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“Losing the election”

I’d have to answer “probably false” to all these prompts but in the first case it was certainly exaggerated by a few while at the same time being underplayed by many others. A lot of evil and stupid in the second group.

Shclapp is about to proclaim he’s against frivolous lawsuits just before he stops to make the case frivolity is great when it benefits him.

Lol Nikki Haley. For all the enraging Trump stuff him shitting on sycophants will never stop amusing me. What fucking losers, sell out entirely and the guy still humiliates you and ruins any semblance of a political future.


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Can’t wait for the judge to let her off with a stern warning.

Lol wow she might get a $50 fine along with her stern talking to. Lol justice system, another one of these dopes is getting sentenced right now and the absolute most he will get is 18 months, more likely zero.

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He got (LOL) 8 months.

Lol that guy waved a massive Trump flag around the senate chamber

Just for fun imagine if a scary looking black person did this, yes I know they would have been shot before getting to the front door


Meh, 8 months for a first-time nonviolent offender is pretty reasonable.

It was felony murder fuck off with this

Lol he didn’t waltz into a fucking PTA meeting, he participated in a mother fucking violent coup attempt where people died. Felony murder and decades in prison would be absolutely fine here.


But he has economic anxiety though, it is known.

lol wait this dipshit is simultaneously saying she’s not subject to the dumb judge AND she’s making motions in court? lol just totally making a mockery of this judge and I’m taking the under 6 months

Perfect followup


Henry can pick 'em. From Jeb-mentum to J.D.-mentum.


It wansnt a riot after losing the ncaa title. It was an effing coup.

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