GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

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Hmmm. I dunno. I’ve got a few more though.

“If Trump’s election was rigged, doesn’t it stand to reason that all other Republicans who lost were victims of fraud?”

“Why didn’t Democrats bother to rig several U.S. Senate races?”

“If rigging elections is this easy, should Republicans be doing it too?”

“Can elections be illegitimate even if all the indicators seem fine?”

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The R’s that went against nixon got primaried too. This is how it is there and has always been.


Well it’s not a Socratic dialog, if that’s what you’re looking for. I think we have enough information to anticipate the answers though.

I bookmarked this thread earlier. I haven’t read it yet but there may be some insight along the lines you’re interested in. There’s a video or transcript if you prefer.

Adding: @Chippa58 I watched the video (12 min). I don’t think she’s saying anything people don’t frequently post here but she does start to put it together into a broad explanation of what motivates the lying.

For example, she references this tidbit from SHS defending one of Trump’s lies: “The lie is pointing out an important truth. Do you not care about the important truth?” That “truth” being that they are losing their place in the world so lying and cheating are justified.

Kanefield predicts the lying and cheating will intensify because of GOP desperation. They’re holding onto Trump because they think he’s their last, best hope. They can’t let go. They’re too afraid.

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@boredsocial here he comes

Yeah he’s a pretty spectacular piece of shit.


Glad to see that the Barr DOJ was laser focused on the crucial issues facing our country.



libs are spending millions on the gov race in oklahoma is the most delusional thing of all the delusional things in there and boy are there delusional things in there

not every day I see a sentence that true or false someone is out of their damn minds

they figured out everything that happens that’s bad blame everyone else for it.

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I googled this and there were a bunch the week after ended up 1/4th to a 1/3rd clinton supporters

I doubt they did one months later

not this cavalcade of idiots though they’ll never allow themselves to believe anything other than blatant BS at this point.

You already did this exact same JAQoff a few months ago in this very thread.

There was a clear answer.


Like Herr Starr says in Preacher, Democrats know just how high to jump :wink:

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Did Ds who thought Trump was illegitimate think that because he got less votes and hacked the machines, etc. or because he engaged in highly unethical behavior to get the votes and that made him unfit to be President as he proved over and over and over again as President? It’s the later… and R’s opinions being way more radical for Biden just running a regular ass campaign and getting 7mm more votes is indeed the own Flynn thinks it is.


I don’t think it’s any kind of own, Victoar was talking to ATC there, just so everything’s clear.

I was in the “they used illegal foreign help to influence” basket and was curious if there was outright hacking of counting.

or thirdly, that the electoral college is fucking moronic and he lost by 3 million votes.

Its perfectly reasonable to think that a guy who lost by more votes than the population of 30% of the states (individually, not combined, obv) he was set to govern shouldn’t be considered a legitimate winner or president.

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As others have said, thinking a President is illegitimate is not the same as thinking that the election was rigged or stolen.