GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Not sure if the Lindell stuff goes in here? - the mental health thread seems more apt after watching his interview on Kimmel

I’m not sure what I think … the guy has got what’s coming to him but is clearly unwell. You’re always recovering - never recovered.


I really hope this guy runs for President in 2024.

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That was brutal. By the end it was clearly making fun of an unwell man when the impersonator guy came on.
If I was producer or whoever in charge I woulda nixxed the impersonator and whispered in Kimmels ear to quickly wrap it up nicely. Throw on a couple extra adverts or get Kimmel to ad lib for an extra minute.

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Haven’t watched yet, but F that. I could not possibly have any less sympathy for this piece of shit.

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I almost edited my post to point out that what they did made the Kimmel show look bad and that was my main reasoning.

But clearly, like SD said, this guy is not right in the noggin. Right from missing the rabies barb at the start, just not in tune in the head.

Kimmel show not looking good for this.

I mostly dgaf about the guy apart from him being an asshole trumptard , Except he coulda done w someone to pull him up long before this about his broken brain. That would have helped literally everyone.

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Giving a platform to a whack-job who amplifies election conspiracy nonsense, mental health issues aside, made the Kimmel show look bad.


Yep. That too. Guess the Kimmel show thought it was an easy dunk but Lindell’s so gone that no one’s looking good for it.

There’s also a downside to portraying the insurrection as Crazy Pillow Guy Silliness. This masks the seriousness of some active members of Congress having actively supported stealing the election for Donnie Dumb Dumb and continuing their work undermining democracy.


Loath to post pre-news notices, but my body is ready.

It’s been two minutes. C’mon man.



The letter, which The Daily Beast recently obtained, was written after Greenberg asked Roger Stone to help him secure a pardon from then-President Donald Trump.


In late 2020, Greenberg was out of jail and in communication with Stone. A series of private messages between the two—also recently obtained by The Daily Beast—shows a number of exchanges between Greenberg and Stone conducted over the encrypted messaging app Signal, with communications set to disappear. However, Greenberg appears to have taken screenshots of a number of their conversations.

Double doh!



I’m pretty sure you understand I wasn’t saying this at all.

I made a comment on the Kimmel show interview. The guy is clearly a looney tune.

The price was B250,000

Doh doh da doh!

“My lawyers that I fired, know the whole story about MG’s involvement,” Greenberg wrote to Stone on Dec. 21. “They know he paid me to pay the girls and that he and I both had sex with the girl who was underage.”

(If you disclose privileged info to a nonlawyer, like stone, privilege is lost.)

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$250k, so like 3-4 coins.

What I meant was Kimmel shouldn’t drag Pillow guy out and create the impression that this silliness is the insurrection. Bring on Cruz or Hawley and take them to task for attacking democracy.


Even Trump understands this!