GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Too Nazi for the airlines to do business with, but not too Nazi for Twitter to ban him.

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Good effort here, no nibbles tho


Yeah, and I was perhaps a bit unfair; many of you guys probably didn’t gaf when it was just muslims being put on the DNF list. So perhaps the charges of hypocrisy are overblown.

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Yeah, I remember you leading the charge against that business with those muslims and getting no support. Weaksauce, agreed.

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But I did not speak out for Baked Alaska; for I was neither baked, nor from Alaska.


Seems like a stretch to me that it is only because of his political alliance. Occam’s razor tilts me towards this guy was probably an asshat on a flight or in an airport. You know, something simple like taking his mask off in an airport/airplane.

I responded to his tweet with a meme and I’m trending towards a few hundred likes, which is probably my most liked Tweet OAT. So regardless, it’s a win for me :joy:


I’ve certainly been against the Do Not Fly list for over a decade, I’m sure I’ve posted about it before. Whether or not you remember that, I can guarantee you’ll not find a post celebrating anyone’s inclusion on it. It’s a serious and capricious breach of the civil rights of everyone who finds themselves on it.

I’ve always been anti government DNF list, because it’s a poorly implemented system run badly. I would be fine with the government putting bin laden on a no fly list in like 1999, but it turns out that putting john smith or muhammad smith for some unspecified reason leads to various issues.

That said, I’m pro airlines can ban people who violate their health and safety policies. Is there any other option?

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he’s destroying america

kamala is always hanging around him

something something chinese communist party

this is what I’ve put together from reading my derpo-GOP senators’ facebook pages and reading the comments

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Cool. As long as you’ve never been a hypocrite we’re good.

Sure, that’s fine. Big difference between someone not allowed to fly American because he wasn’t wearing a mask and being put on the government do not fly list. If the former is why Nick can’t fly then lol who cares.

He may have been put on a no-fly list, but was it a government list or was it the airline’s list?

And government should make more lists of people.

I would be in favor of a government no vax=no fly list. Make it public. Let people use vax cards as “passports” in case there are errors on the list.

Like I said, if he’s on a specific airline’s no fly list that’s very different from being on the government’s no fly list. I have no doubt many here would cheer the latter though.


In retrospect is seems Joe Biden was the perfect post-Trump president.

Even my relatives who spent the past four years incessantly posting and responding to Trump & right wing memes have gone back to silly FB trivia quizzes.


I have no doubt that Tucker Carlson is one of your favorite entertainers and that you love watching him for shits and giggles because you constantly post such so who the fuck do you think you are judging people for being amused by the idea of a literal white nationalist being mildly inconvenienced by a list that he no doubt wholeheartedly supports to fuck over Muslims after being a raging asshole and literally supporting the overthrow of the US government?


Tucker Carlson? What the fuck are you babbling about? Nick Fuentes or Tucker Carlson might support the no fly list for Muslims, I have no idea, you’d have to ask them. If so, they’re for due-process-free punishment of people they hate, just like you.

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