GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Wait til he finds out about Manhattan.

In a twisted racist way he is right. America did a lot to prevent Indigenous culture from being part of American culture.


the fact that he even acknowledged the existence of natives puts him dangerously close to the commie pinko fringe of the GOP


no it won’t. the “natural” environment had tens of million bison roaming the continent. it would be a very bad idea to extinguish the bovines.

I think that was only after European diseases wiped out most of the indigenous human population, and that the herds were much smaller prior to contact.

I’ve had red meat like twice this year. Was thinking about grabbing a burger today, tbqh.

aaaand i’m out of depth on the subject. /shrug

i’ll just repeat the joke for the 800th time and go eat some sustainably raised beef. humans are completely extraneous to the natural environment, but the cattle probably is not. whether we keep eating cow or go vegan, we need millions of them around


(Grilled a rib-eye last night, though we did split it).

Well if you do get a burger then watch out, a Radical Leftist like Joe Biden might jump out of the shadows and slap the burger out of your hands. Unless you shoot them first with your big, long, hard, throbbing, thrusting Freedom Gun.


Meat is a huge issue and in any semi-sane world we would be mobilizing to reduce consumption. Alas.

Similar to how deplorables now like Tesla because the libs hate Elon Musk, we need the alternative meat champion to be some MAGA dipshit who can turn impossible burgers into the new F-150.


Deplorables are also on the look out for “they’re coming for your X!” narratives to feel victimized by.


It really is amazing to watch this stupidity take over the right wing derposphere. For those who aren’t aware, it’s even dumber than you assume it is. Summary of the meat situation for those interested / those who want another reason to nuke this planet from orbit:

  • An old University Michigan study looked at reductions in emissions that could come from reducing meat consumption
  • The Biden admin has a plan to reduce emissions
  • The Daily Mail published a batshit crazy story claiming that because Biden wants to reduce emissions, his plan must be to reduce meat consumption because of that UMich study
  • The right wing runs with it, with no regard for the veracity of the issue

It’s just fucking insanity. Social media spreading lies and conspiracy theories like wildfire. And of course, as mosdef notes above, the derposphere is particularly susceptible to this happening because they’re always looking for the next outrage.


Have to say, the original guy’s steak looked great though.


I miss rainbow text


It’s the opposite. Bison extirpation was caused by Europeans. Before contact there were about 60 million bison in NA.

IMO we need to reduce emissions, rather than consumption. i don’t have a problem with the cows we eat, but rather that we raise them in feedlots. i would gladly pay 2x-5x the price for meat if it came from someplace that’s practicing soil restorations via cattle grazing. although i understand burger joints are not likely to start buying it when i do.

there’s also this

not sure where to put this. the headline might not seem insane enough, even though collins is, but buried in the article is that Hershel Walker is currently freezing the field against Warnock.

Well, we already had a brain damaged President…