GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Poor guy



His Twitter profile pic is from olan mills. So basically he can get fucked


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I’m just going to assume he’s really engaged because it ups the dumb scumbag quotient significantly.

I just assume the vast majority of these high profile right wing relationships are for finance or further their career instead of love. I’m sure she dgaf. Might be happy if these means she gets to take most of his shit

This was nearly my exact reaction. I guess I didn’t delete the account. I just don’t use it. Maybe I should figure out how to do that.

He met her at Mar-a-Lago.

I had to read Outliers for a university class (lol) and it still pisses me off what anti-intellectual garbage it was.

The safest conclusion reached in that entire fucking book was “people who are the best in the world at what they do have spent a lot of time practicing”. I guess some people had not considered that before. Even that was shrouded in mystical bullshit about 10,000 hours being some special cut-off.

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Lol wow. I must be the dumb one. I somehow can’t quite believe 1) there really are people as scummy as Gaetz in the world 2) there are people who want to marry them 3) there’s a place where such people congregate.

It could be that if I concede their existence then I don’t know that I’d do any better in their circumstances.

Gladwell is much better read as parody.

Yea I remember reading him saying the Beatles were good because they practiced a lot. Revolutionary! All those girls screaming in the audience were just amazed at how much they practiced.

They weren’t good because they practiced a lot. All professional musicians practice a lot. They were good because they were the fucking Beatles.

As a poker player, I am used to sharing the table with known drug dealers, a few chomos, countless grifters, and at least one convicted bank robber.

I just assume a lot of people are as scummy as Gaetz.

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If I were at that table it still wouldn’t seem real. Maybe it’s a lack of empathy on my part. I don’t want to see things from certain points of view.

About 10 years ago a friend of mine mentioned his step father was reading this book about how 10,000 hours is what it takes to become a master because that’s how much time the Beatles put in before they became stars, or something. I remember thinking that sounded like bullshit but I was polite in my reply to my friend.

He really looked up to his step father, thought he was the smartest guy around, partly because he apparently read books by Malcolm Gladwell. Fast forward to 2020, the step father ignored all precautions, caught Covid, went to dinner with my friend’s grandmother while likely contagious, and now refuses to take the vaccine.

Maybe he’s only studied the virus for 9990 hours.


I know this is technically not GOP but goddamn I forgot about this video and it’s just so perfect. Like, I’m still not convinced that this isn’t just ripped from an episode of Parks and Rec.


Gladwell got the whole thing from a study that had some third-year violin students at an elite conservatory estimate how many hours they’ve practiced and it was around 10,000.

But that’s nothing compared to the chapter about how Korean language and culture prevents their pilots from avoiding plane crashes.