GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


Whatever school she went to needs to seriously examine their grading standards. Imagine thinking Koreans can’t be racist.


You’ve never met a person with good grades but bad ideas?

Ben Carson was in fact a great surgeon, and monumentally stupid politically. School measured specific aptitudes that don’t preclude idiotic irrational opinions.

Also, she might just be lying.

Got a soft spot for Bobby Bonilla.

This is what they’ll admit to a stranger, real numbers are probably much worse.

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“I don’t want them here at all,” Sery Kim said of potential Chinese immigrants. “They steal our intellectual property, they give us coronavirus, they don’t hold themselves accountable.”

“And quite frankly, I can say that because I’m Korean,” she added.


Of course shes lying. Odds are approx 100% that she hates the Chinese.

Lol 4 posts later.


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Which since she’s Korean is fair enough I guess. Still she’s kind of like the Jews (and there are several) pushing anti Soros conspiracy theories… the people she’s performing for are just as likely to hate crime her as someone from China.

Yeah I was simply pointing out that the audience she’s feeding red meat too think she’s a insert racist asian slur here too.

That’s why I started my post with it being fair enough for a Korean to hate the Chinese. I get it and it’s basically as reasonable as racism gets.

What took you so long to figure that out?

This is parody. Right? Please tell me it’s a joke. Ha ha ha. Very funny.

No, really. That can’t be a genuine ad. Can it?

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Red Hat is sitting on a goldmine name that they’re not cashing in on.


I’m not sure this is true. He gained fame by doing extremely high risk surgeries that others would not even attempt. As expected he had many failures, because the surgeries were extremely high risk. He did have some successes and those are well publicized.

I’m not saying he was bad or even not above average. I’m just not sure we have evidence of “great”.


I finally understand why there is a subreddit called r/ToiletPaperUSA and I understand their general style so much more now, as this almost seems like their parody. I was apparently unaware or had forgotten entirely about Turning Point USA. :man_shrugging:


Yeah I’m sure most of her audience would call her Chinese if they saw her in the street and didn’t know who she was

Seems kind of creepy there Marco

Sorry, ladies, this one’s taken!


Bold strategy, I mean, I think you need to be ‘Murican to run for Congress.