GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Disney are “woke” exactly how it is meant by right wingers. Performative diversity to make rich libs feel better about the insanely unequal society that they live in and benefit from (and passively perpetuate). Like a black superhero is obviously better than nothing, but not that much better than nothing.


i don’t know, the black capt america thing doesn’t feel like a racial breakthrough or anything, but kinda hard to hate on black panther.

I don’t know, but I can tell you that they were pretty much forced to continue working with a nightmare of an Executive Producer because of diversity goals. To be clear I’m not saying that’s a bad thing (plenty of white nightmare producers are doing just fine), but they definitely would have sought to replace the person under other circumstances.

In my limited experience, this is how most trans women would want to be treated. Whether or not the character is or is not a precise model of trans people seems less important than how she is a model for how others should treat people who change in sometimes dramatic and unconventional ways, which is with respect and without hardly batting an eye at the new changes.

There was a storyline where one of Dax’ previous wives came on the station and she and Jadzia kissed.

Pretty close.

I also think there may have been ungendered and maybe three gendered races on TNG?


I lot of us have been politely biting our tongues and keeping our honest opinions of that movie to ourselves.

Buddy what the fuck is this, the game guess who? Alan and Carlos are the same picture

edit: maybe we can make an argument Disney isn’t great without posting obviously made up bullshit?

Lol I just Googled Disney executives and clicked the first link saw a bunch of white faces and thought yes this confirms my preconceived notions I will use it thanks. I didn’t realise such rigourous scholarship was required on this forum. Blame the people at and their “Always-on enterprise intelligence” guess it wasn’t on or intelligent. The point is disney is hardly very diverse in the positions that actually drive things and I figured a screenshot was a more pithy way to make that point. Do you disagree with it?

first thing on google is disney’s website which shows a bunch of women and not white people.

And man fuck disney lol, but gmafb

lol Dina Powell, hate to see it

i sense an awful derail, but i liked precisely none of mcu but black panther is one of two i’d watch again.

speaking of watching again, caught back to the future and sequel on tbs the other night after hockey coverage ended, and both installments hold up

Has he said that since winning yesterday? I mean this was the assumption a lot of us had about him but I’m not sure he had ever come right out and explicitly said it.

I’m not assuming ill intent. It was just really, really dumb and was used to tell us about how the right wing is ackshully right about Disney.

That photo of Ronald seems sus.


Yet another classic letthemfight.jpg situation

I mean they say “Disney are “woke” exactly how it is meant by right wingers”

Black Panther is fine. Making an occasional Marvel movie with black people isn’t “performative wokeness,” it’s basic representation.

White men value representation in media a lot less than POC do. It doesnt feel performative when it’s your face up on the Disney screen for the first time.


Also. Mulan was 1998. And it wasn’t explicit, but I’m telling you my trans brother watched it 35 times.