GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Holy shit this is real. And I saw these so now you all have to as well.


This is one of the more cringe things I’ve encountered recently. That last one, whooo boy.

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Especially what that song really represents. Holy shit.


the roof
the roof
the roof is on fire
We don’t need no water let us trust the Lord and pray!


That one has already been done


RATM should have a talk with them

I went with the selfish satisfaction or writing FUCK TRUMP for every office.


you should ahve legally changed your name to FUCK TRUMP and won all the offices in the wildest write-in campaign

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Of course one of the biggest lying scumbag bad faith pieces of shit on the internet was in a Christian rock band.

Wasn’t there a southpark episode about this?


This lead me down a path of why exactly did the KKK burn crosses. I assumed it was because of some explicit connotation to Christianity, but nope turns out the original KKK didn’t burn crosses. The guy who wrote The Klansmann just inserted it as some kooky ancient rite to summon clansmen like a smoke signal or make oaths on and the seal those oaths by burning the cross. Of course the second iteration of the KKK realized their fictional kooky rite of a big burning cross worked pretty well as intimidation in someone’s front yard.

Fucking abortion

Abortions are still legal

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Abortion ban goes hand in hand with replacement theory.

Ben Wattenberg - “The major problem confronting the United States today is there aren’t enough white babies being born. If we don’t do something about this and do it now, white people will be in the numerical minority and we will no longer be a white man’s land.”

He offered 3 possible solutions:

  1. Paying American women to have babies. He said this plan was untenable because “we would have to pay women of all colors to have babies.
  2. Increase our immigration quotas. One problem, more people of color were coming than whites.
  3. "The third thing we could do is remember that sixty percent of the fetuses that are aborted every year are white. If we could keep that sixty percent of life alive, that would solve our birth dearth.”

And this guy was an advisor for a Democratic president, LBJ

Sounds like he’s to the left of the mainstream Republican Party since he doesn’t offer the fourth solution of killing enough non-whites to protect the white advantage.


My co-worker’s sister is moving from ID back to CA for this exact reason. Nothing like seeing Nazi rally fliers posted all over.

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Not sure how long Disney has been doing this, but it seems like a candidate for “troll of the week”:

I guess Disney really is unapologetically “woke”. Good for them leaning into it.

The foxnews headline is wrong of course (“Disney announces new 2022 LGBTQ+ clothing collection for kids”) - the clothing items in the collection are almost entirely for adults.

Disney’s been “woke” for like a decade or so now.

So they’ve successfully groomed an entire generation of impressionable youth? No wonder DeSantis wants them out of Florida.

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