GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

His mom was catching the zika virus before it was cool.

Speaking of which, remember that viral scare from 50 years ago, y’all? That was sure something. Everyone was really scared about it

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That’s a lot of neanderthal genes.

I was going to make this but somebody else already did



phrenology is good actually



She thinks Cali has worse budget problems than Kansas?

Duh, California is full of RADICAL SOCIALISTS and they live in HELLHOLE DEMOCRAT RUN CITIES!

California has been going broke since the 70s. It is known.

Never heard my parents mention Kansas budget problems.

What happens if California secedes and the leftover United States cut off as much water as possible from the Colorado River system?

Theres a very good apocalyptic sci fi book called “the water knife” where this is almost exactly the premise.

Imagine all of this happening under a second Trump administration. Do you expect Trump to feel bound by treaty obligations to Mexico if they stand in his way of getting retribution against his enemies?

take that, Suzzer’s mom

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Yes that was the original context. It won’t matter.

One must save and live humbly, like a midwesterner. California is too flashy, living for the thrill of the moment. They will go broke someday. It’s only a matter of time.

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I forgot the password to the sweet summer child account but a budget surplus in California might just be the tonic needed to cool off GOP California Hellscape cosplay fantasies. I think we could be on the verge of a real sea change and I’m here for it!


Do you California folks still worry about major earthquakes? It kinda seems like all the fires and drought made people forget about that other existential threat.

Its always looming. Considering our last big one to hit a major city center was nearly 30 years ago, its only a matter of time before a 7+ hits again in a large populous area


It’s pretty much time to acknowledge that these views aren’t fringe or extreme. A significant percentage of the country believes that whites are being replaced and will become a minority as a result, and they don’t like it. They know how they treat minorities, and they don’t want to be on the receiving end, so they’re terrified. A significant percentage of the country doesn’t believe this, but isn’t offended by the belief and doesn’t have a problem with it.

Killing random people to advance those goals remains fringe and extreme, for now. Closing down the border, ending immigration, and doing whatever is possible to reduce the influence of minorities is very mainstream, very not fringe, and not extreme on our Overton window.

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This is really powerful and true. A lot of the time when they describe their horror scenarios for what an oppressive government might do to them, they are describing exactly how the state treats black people now.