GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

In fact, according to the ethics complaint, Smith’s relationship with Cawthorn is so close that the younger man joined Cawthorn on his honeymoon to Dubai in April 2021.

What? Bro, you don’t bring your sidebro with you on your honeymoon, it simply isn’t done.

That’s what a good handler would do with a Russian asset.

He’s obviously not a handler, he’s the honeypot.

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I know nobody here needs to hear this but I need to say it: have consensual sex with any adults you want. Wear lingerie if you want. There is nothing wrong with that, at all. But if you build a career aligned with people who want to discriminate against and persecute anybody who is “different”, you better expect to be condemned for being a hypocrite in addition to being a horrible human being, which we already knew you were.


Uh, who was the female dem congresscritter who had naked pictures leaked? I don’t think the left just lets this slide, especially because relations with a staff member are always inappropriate.

it was a bit different. her exhusband leaked the pictures

Obama is absolutely in the left in America… and he also very likely supported gay marriage the whole time.

I don’t think dems have shifted much on social issues in comparison to society as a whole.

In before the GOP claims Cawthorn was a Democratic plant enlisted to make the party look bad.

They’re going to correctly claim that the two were joking around and that the staffer didn’t actually touch Madison’s crotch. They’re also going to incorrectly claim it was a leftivist media plot despite it coming from the Daily Mail. And nobody is going to care.

Maddie needs to start naming cocaine orgy names.

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I’m a cocaine and orgy believer now


“In the left” lol

By this logic mitt Romney is a proud boy

In any case the entire premise is fucking insane. Joe Biden is a guy who was picked to be VP because he was (extremely) to the right of the nominee, and he’s now the president. Pretty hard to argue establishment dems are “the left” and to simultaneously argue that they are moving further left when the guy who they brought in to provide neocon bona fides is now the POTUS

Mr “nothing will fundamentally change” is a radical commie


mr passed the largest health care reform since medicaid is the to the left of center in America. Such a weird thing to get all upset about. No one called Obama a radical commie ffs.

“Nothing will fundamentally change” was Biden you fucking potato head

Literally the only campaign promise he kept.

Obama is to the left of Biden, that doesn’t make him “the left”

Obamacare is verbatim a GOP plan btw.


Cawthorne’s bucket list trip to Hitler’s summer house gave of some serious gay nazi vibes.

This is probably inappropriate but do you think there was any point in the orgy where Maddy had someone toss him across the room so he could tangle in a different fuckball