GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Nate is a fucking disgrace, end of story.


It makes zero fucking sense without parties. “The left has moved left” wtf? Did he greenwalds brain worms?

That’s fine, honestly. Politicians having a side piece is a long and distinguished tradition; dudes waving their ding-dong around a bowling alley is just embarrassing.

Nate’s just a symptom of “wisdom of the crowds” bullshit.

The left hasn’t moved left. What the fuck is he talking about?


The left definitely has - Obama didn’t in initially support gay marriage. Similarly I don’t think there was as much support for trans rights 10 years ago. I’m sure there are some other things.

Not saying left hasn’t moved right on some things, but I think on most social issues left has evolved for the better (but of course still has a ways to go).

Humans have a cognitive bias towards symmetry.

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I’ll acknowledge the movement left on social issues.

Other issues, though? Hell no.

living wage and renewables.

The Democrats have a trifecta and haven’t moved the federal minimum wage a penny.

But pronouns!!!

Progress moves left.

The long arc of history bends toward fascism


Well just look at how our society has careened into the far-left leadership of… (checks notes)… Joe Biden?

support for it is higher within the party every year. many dems with national campaigns raised the minimum wage in their states and cities.

damn they buried this dude for talking about their orgies


“hey, how about cops stop indiscriminately murdering brown folks?”


The funny thing is, we wouldnt fucking care on the left. But he choose his side and now hes going to get crucified.

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lol sweatie, obama is not “the left”
