GOP Insanity Containment 2: This is the Place. This is the Time, Cowboy.

Your argument hurts the position that communism is good at all. If communism has never truly been implemented because it’s impossible to implement, communism fucking sucks because it’s impossible to implement. No one cares about the skalansky benefits of communism run perfectly.

You need to argue that it can be run perfectly as human society advances or whatever (Star Trek Hypothesis imo). At least then you aren’t making an argument against communism in the real world.

Doesn’t matter if the dictatorship is dressed up as communism or fascism, it’s the totalitarianism that is concerning.


Communism on paper sounds awesome, an equal egalitarian society where everyone is on an even playing field. However, I can’t argue in good faith it’s a viable solution when the end result of every communist revolution has never produced said results.

Going from an agrarian society to an industrial society require mass death and suffering. It just does. The faster you go from one to the other the worse those deaths look because they are compressed into a smaller timescale.

i see someone has been reading lenin

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Why can’t we say this about January 6ers?


The mother of all let them fights.

That’s like Hitler vs. Stalin.


She’s not wrong


There’s eventually going to be a elected Democratic politico who actually gets busted for being a pedo and the derposphere will go supernova for a decade.


Your not wrong. Has there ever been a bigger mass case of projection than Republicans performative outrage at pedophilia?

Latest arrest was for bringing a loaded gun to a TSA checkpoint. 99% to be a stunt and only that low because the dude is a complete moron. At first I thought it was a pretty clever stunt but upon further reflection, it’s likely only the nuttiest of the gun nutters are pro guns on maybe he just continues to look like an idiot as he gets elected over and over again

Dennis Hastert was Speaker of the House for 8 years in the early 2000s, was labeled a “serial child molester” by a federal judge at his sentencing, never seems to get mentioned


Does he trigger the libs?

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The context of this was that she was criticizing the Catholic Church for helping undocumented immigrants.

After asking Greene how she gauged the “spiritual character of the United States right now” — the question that prompted her to wonder why God hadn’t destroyed America yet for its failure to end abortion — Voris guided her into issues within Catholic World, taking specific aim at the church-affiliated aid organization Catholic Relief Services, which has recently been targeted by conservative Catholics for its work to help immigrants at the southern border.

“What it is, is Satan’s controlling the church,” Greene responded. Catholics and other Christians who cite biblical mandates to “love one another” by taking care of migrants, she continued, are “perverting” both the meaning of the Bible and the Constitution.

The pedophile stuff is red meat to the most mentally unstable Qderpers out there. Eventually some lunatic is going to shoot up Disneyland and we won’t get a moment of introspection from the MTGs and Desantises who have been knowingly egging them on.


If you kill the children first, the pedos can’t rape them.

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Time for another fun round of, “Imagine if a Dem did this…”

If Nancy Pelosi was a convicted serial child molester, whoaaaaaa buddy would it get talked about.